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  1. L

    Natural Point of Aim

    Here is a video of your natural point of aim and how to find it:
  2. L

    Bike Jacked! (almost)

    I find this rather amusing, so I thought I would share it: I ride my bike daily or try to anyway. I have a route that is 10 miles or 20 depending on how I go. The first and last leg take me through the neighborhood. I was riding today and was returning home. I was in the neighborhood about 2...
  3. L

    Shooting in "cadence".
  4. L

    LTL carry revisted

    In a couple of past threads (that kind of got ugly) many advocated carrying OC as an option to augment their weapon. Some advocates of OC seemed pretty confident that it would stop a confrontation. Here is a video from youtube of OC training for a police academy. This is the worst effects I...
  5. L

    Which is more scary?

    Faced with someone using these guns, who would you be more afraid of? A. The guy carrying this gun? OR B. The guy carrying this gun? Assuming you know nothing about the other person.
  6. L

    Non-lethal carry?

    Rather than hijack a thread, I will post this as a seperate question: On this and other forums, there are many advocates of carrying less than lethal weapons (or knives even) as a civilian. My personal and professional opinion is that it is unecessary and a bad decision. I will support that in...
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    Here is an excerpt from the video on transitions. There is a bit more to it, but this should get you headed in the right direction.
  8. L

    Grip video.

    I promised some people here that I would shoot a video on transitions this week I was not able to do so, because the Cowboy Action Shooters needed to set up their match. So, just so I can post something, here are some excerpts from a video on grip. I will do transitions next week. Whenever I...
  9. L

    Two more Bill Drills

    Okay, so here are two more Bill Drills and yes there are .13 splits in them. Remember, the purpose is to practice tracking the sight and trigger manipulation, not just spray and pray. It also gives you an idea of...
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    How do you do a "double tap"?

    I get asked this question millions of times. Here is my take on the "double tap":
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    Mozambique Drill revisited

    Since some people refused to believe the last video, here is another Mozambique drill.
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    Loss of fine motor skills a myth!

    I have long argued that those who claim that under stress you will lose control of your fine motor skills were wrong. In my experience it doesn't happen. The following link is to the Force Science Newsletter # 64. Scroll down to from our e-mail bag and read the first question. Pay particular...
  13. L

    Slow but acceptable Bill Drill

    One more short video. The idea of the Bill Drill is to draw and fire 6 "A" hits in less than 2 seconds. This one started out w/a bad grip and a slow first shot (1.18 seconds). It had some good splits (time between shots) though - .19,.16,.13,.16,.13. Total time 1.95 seconds. The other drill is...
  14. L

    Mozambique Drill

    Here's something I was asked to demonstrate yesterday. The good old Mozambique Drill. For those not familiar, the drill is: 1 target at seven yards, 2 shots to the body, 1 to the head. We only count them if all hits are in the "A" zone. Equipment used was Kytac kydex holster (I just got it and...
  15. L

    Do you really feel safe?

    I've noticed that a lot of people here carry sub-standard man stopper calibers for self-defense. By that I mean 38 spl or smaller. The question is: Do you really feel safe carrying a small caliber gun? These are the guidelines in which I ask the question. 1. Don't preach to me about shot...
  16. L

    Somone tried to kick in my front door!

    I wasn't going to post this, but my nephew talked me into it because it shares some good tactics with the community. Two weeks ago, I was awakened at 11:00 p.m. by a knock on my door. I live in an apt. in not the greatest neighborhood. I grabbed my PT1911 and went to the door. Standing off to...
  17. L

    Tactical reload?

    Tactical reloads receive a lot of attention particularly in IDPA circles. I believe they are unnecessary and a bad habit to teach to shooters (just like requiring they shoot their guns to slide lock). I'll state my reasons in a later post, but before I do: Can anyone show me a documented case...
  18. L

    What did Don Johnson carry in Miami Vice?

    The double was used mostly for promo shots and in the first season.