Search results

  1. 4

    "Sin tax" on guns & ammo in CA

    California is going to be putting an 11% tax on guns and ammo. They claim its modeled after the Federal Tax, but the only thing is has in common with the Federal tax is the number, 11%. Unlike the Federal tax, which is used to fund wildlife and conservation work, the CA law will use the...
  2. 4

    new proposed rule

    Once again, the ATF is off the rails, pandering to their political masters wishes, and ignoring the law and past history, or so it seems. The new proposed rule change would define anyone who sells a gun for profit to anyone as a dealer and requiring an FFL or risk criminal charges. Sell a...
  3. 4

    90 day export ban?? National Security Concern??

    Is there one, or is this just being petty and finding a (legal???) way to hurt the commercial firearms industry?? As reported in the news, the administration is implementing a 90 day ban on the export of civilian firearms, to non governmental purchasers outside the US. How is this anything...
  4. 4

    Best "glue" for plastic frame

    Looking for opinions on the best "glue" or adhesive/epoxy to use to repair a cracked frame on a Tec 9. The frame is cracked to the point where, if I took the upper off, I'm sure I could snap it in two by twisting it in my hands, so I'm looking for opinions about what would be the best bonding...
  5. 4

    New York state pistol permit & Contenders...

    Just had an off the wall thought, so, a question for NY state residents that own T/C Contenders (or any other multicaliber pistols).. When I lived in NY and had a permit, pistols were listed on the permit by make, caliber, barrel length and serial number. Never had a Contender back then, but...
  6. 4

    News report

    I am of two minds about this, first, I am pleased by any reduction of the BS parts of gun control laws, but I am concerned about the point used here. What worries me is that "general" reporting not pointing out valid portions of arguments will fuel a strong backlash and effective end the...
  7. 4

    What do you consider a "safety"?

    What do you consider a safety?? Specific to handguns, we hear a lot of terms thrown about, safety, active safety, passive safety, manual safety, safety feature, safety lock, and probably some others I can't think of right now... I make a distinction between a safety and a safety feature. To...
  8. 4

    Military two stage trigger

    A question came up, that I thought I'd ask here, When (approx) did the two stage trigger show up, and which rifles were the first to use it? I think it was with the early bolt action repeaters, I know the later infantry rifles all used it, (German, Russian, British US and about everyone...
  9. 4

    Question about Martini rifles

    I need an answer about the Martini rifles. There is a lever on the side of the action that shows if the gun is cocked, or not, and it changes position when the cocked gun is fired. My question is, is this lever just an indicator, or can the rifle be cocked with it? (allowing a second strike...
  10. 4

    How many 9mm Lugers are there???

    The question came up during a discussion with a friend the other night, and we quickly realized that this is a much more complex question than it seems. What got us onto the topic was discussion about "proper" or "correct" cartridge names, and what most people think of when they hear the name...
  11. 4

    Guns that bite

    The subject came up in conversation the other day, so I decided to run a thread about it. Lots of us have had guns "bite" us. Either because of something about the way it fit or recoiled, or because we've had part of us in the wrong place at the wrong time. Most famous of these are the M1...
  12. 4

    Double Barrel hammer gun half cock...

    This is rather outside my area of expertise, so I've come here to ask... I don't have any personal experience with original double hammer gun, so I have nothing to judge against. I have, over the years, had two reproductions. One from Brazil, one from China. Different actions, different...
  13. 4

    DA Revolver vs. 1911A1 Reliability

    I ran across this statement and it got me thinking, …. Specifically, about the "far more moving parts" so I'm asking how you folks would count them. Counting every part that moves or is moved during the loading, unloading and firing of the pistol, including springs, a friend got 19 for an pre...
  14. 4

    Gun Companies, how big are they, actually?

    I got to wondering about this, a thought bought on by the wait times for repair different outfits have. People seem to assume that the "big" gunmakers are like the "big" car makers, and have thousands or tens of thousands of employees. I don't think this is the case. I think the big guys...
  15. 4

    Availability of your caliber ammo...

    I got thinking on this, having heard it every time anyone asks about this or that caliber, someone comments on the availability of ammo. I don't mean the store being out, I mean the store doesn't carry it. How important is that to you, really??? Not being able to get your "odd ball" ammo at...
  16. 4

    Various legal standards

    I got to thinking, and have a question for our resident legal eagles (or anyone who knows)… We all watch TV and hear about the different standards of proof. I've heard a little about the different levels of "scrutiny" applied for different things. TV teaches us that for crimes like murder...
  17. 4

    Old Ithaca SxS

    I'm looking for some help identifying an old Ithaca SxS. From the information I can find, I don't know if its a "Flues" model, A "New Industry Double" or something else. The gun is 12ga, double triggers, splinter forend, pistol grip (semi pistol grip??) stock. It has "fluid steel" barrels...
  18. 4

    What is the most accurate 9mm ammo?

    I'm looking for opinions and experience about what brand & load of 9mm Luger ammunition is the most accurate. I'm not interested in the defensive use and ability, what I'm looking for is what ammo & load have you found to be the most accurate, overall, in your gun, or in several guns. Target...
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    Which Gunmaker has "shot themselves in the foot" the most?

    Which gun maker has shot themselves in the foot the most, over the past century, or so?? By "shot themselves in the foot", I mean they have so misread the market, or marketed a product so miserable that it failed commercially?? Every maker I can think of has made mistakes, things that hurt...
  20. 4

    Convert Mini 14 or AK to .50 Beowulf??

    A friend called and asked me to put the question on TFL. Apparently an older Mini 14 (stainless) followed him home, and he got to wondering. All I could say was, it fits in an AR 15, it ought to fit in a Mini 14. He said the rebated case head of the Beowulf is the same size as the 7.62x39mm...