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  1. S

    You are all nuts!!

    You people keep talking about all these 1200.00 great guns etc. I will lay 100.00 down right now that I will out shoot you with whatever handgun you give me(provided there is an agreeable inspection first and that you are just a "hobby" shooter)and I get 20 practice rounds. Any takers?
  2. S

    GET REAL!!!!!!!!

    Deleted. [This message has been edited by George Hill (edited June 09, 2000).]
  3. S

    Much Appologies

    If I offended anyone with any of my posts I would like to appologise (SIC?). I have been in LE for 20 years and , unfortunately, cannot do this any more (shot 3 times, heaart attack, stabbed....). Respect every LEO out there, he's on yer side. Wanna see pic's of my battle scars, let me know. Be...
  4. S


    Having done a rather in depth statistical analysis on the "old west" if you do a proper SA on the ratio of gun crimes to armed persons you, will see the null value fly away as compared to now. They didn't evev lock there doors then.
  5. S

    Give an LEO a Hug Today...

    LEO's are here doing a job that noone else will do for their pay or perks. Here is one LEO's highlights for 1 week. 1.) Get to inform parents of beautiful 16 year old daughter who was killed by a drunk driver in a T.C. (his 3rd offence). Nothing compares to that joy. 2.) (10-15) an at least...