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    Extendable asp baton help...

    Ok, my asp isnt extending anymore do I need to lube it up, or what if soo, can I use Wd40?
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    Legal virginia Switchblade.. blade length?

    Would anyone happen to know the legal switchblade blde length... and yes they are legal to carry, but I dunno what the length is...
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    Can someone post...

    The Gun laws, concealed wepons laws, and the gun safety laws for virginia.. I have looked everywhere, and I cant drive to go find them from mt local gun dealer... so I would most appreciate it.
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    Can this gun use 12 gauge ammo? Gun:
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    Is it possible ?

    To get one of those Knoxx copstock's in wood? :confused:
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    Show off your guns...

    Post pics of your Ar's. I will be purchasing one very soon, and I want ideas of what to get. So please, I encourage you to post pictures of your's.
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    Look at this huge knife...

    It is sweet... Link --->
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    Good home defense or not?

    Do you think a Charles Daly Field Hunter VR-MC 20g 26" without a stock, would be good home defense or not? <----That without stock
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    Can you make a Stockless shotgun?

    Hello, this is my first post on these forums, but can you make a stockless shotgun, Or is it Illegal?