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  1. R

    No Bull

    Figured you all might get a chuckle out of this... -+-+-+- From the Washington Times National Weekly Edition, May 21-27. Inside the Beltway By John McCaslin: (Fair use and all that) -+-+-+- No Bull A reader kindly forwards this unsourced explaination of what rules the world in simple...
  2. R

    Ughh! Gotta hold my nose and vote for Bush

    My family and I (3 voting age) are going to the polls at 3:00 p.m. We had all agreed to vote for Harry Browne, an honorable man, but now that Kalifornia is surprisingly in play, we've decided to hold our noses and relunctantly vote for that skunk George the Bush, part II. Or rather we're voting...
  3. R

    Compliance rate with '89 Kalifonaia ban

    Do any of you know off-hand what percentage of "assault weapons" covered by the 1989 ban in Kalifornia were actually registered? If I recall correctly (and hope) the estimated number was extremely low. Also, how many people have been charged thus far for failure to do so?
  4. R

    Technical Night Vision Questions

    I own a Gen 1 Night Owl Cyclops monocular, which is about all I can afford at the moment. I like its ergonomics but of course the performance of Gen 1 is lacking (you get what you pay for). Anyway, if I obtained a used American Gen 2 intensifier tube, would it be possible to place it in my...
  5. R

    A Few Laughs--More Stupid Kal Laws

    The statists in the Legistag and in city councils have come up with some good ones over the years here in Kalifornia. This list of laws was published in the California Rifle and Pistol Association's magazine, The Firing Line, February 2000: ***California State Laws: *Community leaders passed...
  6. R

    Being a "Good Guy"

    Be warned: a rant. Whenever the debate over CCW permits brews around here and on other sites, someone inevitably brings up the "Good Guy" argument. It goes something like this: If you've taken the trouble of getting a CCW permit, then you've shown yourself to be one of the good guys. What...
  7. R

    Do you see a contradiction here?

    The overwhelming sentiment among us gunowners who care about the erosion of our Constituational rights seems to be resistance. If that day arrives when we are living in a complete police state and the order comes for us to finally "turn 'em in," many of us SAY that we will refuse to comply...