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    Remington's Managed Recoil Ammo

    a review: I gave a box of Rem's managed recoil ammo a try last week in 30'06. I hate recoil.... My rifle weighs in at 6.5lbs. no scope, fixed irons. the managed recoil ammo was wonderful to shoot and was dead on at 100 yards. If you want trigger time on your '06 used the manage recoil...
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    Ruger Have your say

    I just notice on the Ruger website you can send a message to the CEO. What a perfect way to tell them what you like / don't like about Rugers! I was quick to point on the stupid loaded chamber indicator they put on the Mk III pistol. What a great way to tell them to make an consistently...
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    Best M1 Carbine Mag?

    What is the best source fore M1 Carbine mags? A quick Google search turns up several sites selling them. I would like to get inputs from people that have bought them where did you get them and how have they functioned for you? I put my CMP order in the mail today, should get there 1 day...
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    Rifle from Young Guns

    I watched Young Guns the other night and was wondering. What rifle was it that kiefer Sutherland use in the movie? I think its a sharps of some sort but not sure. Anyone know the caliber by chance?
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    CRF a marketing Myth?

    I put some Azoom snap caps in my Rem 700 30-06 ADL the other day for practicing trigger pull and breathing. After doing that awhile I turned the rifle upside down, side ways and every which way and fed the azooms from the mag to the chamber. I couldn’t get it to drop the round out or miss feed...
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    K-31 I am a believer!!!

    I picked up a k-31 last night, cleaned it up and generally figured out how it works. I really like the rifle, the action is really cool, It dissassembles in a snap with no tools or force. It is a really nice rifle and probably the best made anything I have ever handled. It is probably my 2nd...
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    Chinese Bullpup?

    These pictures were on China daily's website today. Looks like they have bullpups? anyone know what they are? I suppose i could search and find out but thought the conversation on here would be more fun. Apparently the hand signal is 5 of us will go, cover us. Looks more like the signal to...
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    Must have rifles?

    this post is titled. What are the must have rifles? or How I should spend the money i should use to buy furniture.... You can see what i have in my signature...
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    Richards Microfit Stocks

    After waiting 16 weeks my new stock finally arrived. Was disapointed with it, and sent it back... thankfully they have a full refund policy. probably wouldn't order one again.
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    Accurate Innovaitons Stocks?

    Has anyone had one? Used one? worth the money?
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    lenght of Pull question

    I am going to get a new stock for my rem 700. the standard lenght of pull is 13 3/4". I'm about 6'4 and generally shoot a shotgun with about a 15" LOP (14 1/2+ 1/2 inch recoil pad). But I also know shooting a shot gun is a lot different than a rifle. My M1 and M1A are generally too short...
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    Richards Microfit Stocks

    Anyone have any recent experience with Richrads micorfit stocks vs. boyd stocks? there is a few post on here that are about 7 years old but nothing recent. I am considering getting one or the other leaning towards richards as I like one of ther laminate colors better. thanks for you inputs Steve
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    Replacement Stock?

    I am going to replace the stock on my Rem 700 ADL with a laminate stock. has anyone had any experience with either of these stock manufactures? Comments on fit, quality, customer service etc.... Boyds is more expensive but does that mean they have better quality? Boyds...
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    Weatherby Mark V

    Questions. The bolt seems to have both a plunger type and small claw type extractor, so which is it? Is it push feed or control round feed? Seems that it has a pretty big front recoil lug forged into the receiver, is this inherently more accurate than the elongated barrel washer on the Rem...
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    I have always heard that they have some big ugly nut on their barel, but looking at the website and 2005 cat.pdf I really don't see an ugly lug nut. did they get rid of it?
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    $3000 to Spend

    I find that I have a lot of time to sit and ponder things as well as surf the net and dream. So if you had $3000 to spend on a rifle what would you buy for: a) Hunting rifle b) Bench rest rifle Or would they be the same? Oh and this is just for the rifle not the scope or other...
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    Converting a Rem 700 ADL to a DM

    Has anyone out there converted a Rem 700 ADL to a Detachable Magazine? I can’t find a part diagram of the 700 Detachable Magazine so I am not exactly sure if its possible to do it or not? I know you can change a ADL to a BDL pretty easily and figured it would be the same to convert to a DM...