Search results

  1. S

    Did I get "taken" on my 22 sparrow.

    I just got my first can yesterday. Being new to the suppresser game and wanting instant gratification (if 6 months can be called that) I didn't realize the their was an old model 22 sparrow and a new one. So I ended up getting the aluminum core and not the stainless steel. Now I'm not sure if...
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    Did people forget Mitt did it first.

    Why do people never have any hate towards Romney when it comes to gun control? All I hear are people say SEEE what you did you let Obama win and be takes our guns. Romney would have never allowed this type of thing. HE already did he was a supporter a national assault ban AND he signed a...
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    Getting back to "normal"

    It seems to me in the past week, at least in my area that AR's are starting to stick around on the shop shelves. I don't think the high prices can be maintained. ( I understand supply and demand) This isn't a bash on shops selling a $550 dollar rifles for $1,150, people buy it that's their...
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    beginner O/U

    A couple weeks ago my house was broken into and I had about 5k$ worth of guns and ammo stolen. My sigg 556 was stolen and with current prices replacing it would eat a lot of my insurance replacement money. Ok, to the point, I have always wanted an O/U for very light clay shooting ( 2 or 3 times...
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    10/22 suppressor/barrel question

    I am wondering what my best options would be for a suppressor for a 22 (probably a 10/22). So far I think I am stuck on the sparrow 22. What would I expect to pay for one? The MSRP is $499, is that what I should expect? Second what is a good barrel, I like the tactical solutions barrel. However...
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    My first HK

    Was in Bass Pro last night (for the 1st time) and out of every thing in there the only thing that got my eye was a little HK p2000SK. No matter how hard i tried it just wouldn't leave me alone. I think in this case it picked me not me picking it. Oh well can't complain took it home for $800 even...
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    Waterfowl Choke tube

    My buddy just got me into duck hunting, so I went out and bought a mossberg 835. I was wondering if any one could point me in the direction of a good choke tube. I'll probaly need two for close and far shooting from what I have read. I as you can see I know nothing about shotguns. Would like to...
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    FAMAS replica

    Was wonder if any made a FAMAS replica. Im having zero luck in finding one or a the real deal for that matter.
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    Scope for 22-250

    I am in need of a scope for a 22-250. I am looking for something nice but not to over the top, would like to keep it around 500 or 600$. I have been looking around but was wonder if any one has any first hand experience on a nice scope. Thanks
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    Saltwater slide?

    I was wonder if any one could help me out with this, I have a sig 299 and i was at the gun store the other day and i seen the same gun but the slide of it was green. I ask the dealer about it and told me it was a salt water finish but i cant seem to find any info on one. They look really neat...
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    Lora Corft

    Ello every one was wonder if any one could tell me what the fire arm Lora Croft carries in Tomb Raider is it a H&k if so what moddel im shure there is a thread some place but i could not find it.
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    sholder holster

    Im in the market for a good sholder holster for my sig p229 would like one i could carry 2 or so extra magsin also where can i get a back holster from something like the one in face off. yes i know i dont know what i am talking about thats why im asking all the pleople full of the know on hear...
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    any illinois leos

    Was wonder if there where any illinois leos or any that has been in this sittuation i am from Indiana and got pulled over in illinois for speeding. Got a ticket for 111 in a 65 was wonder the fines on that. The cop had no idea and told me i would find out in court. By the way the haveing to...
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    Ruger MK lll or P22

    My granny said she would buy me a hand gun for my graduation and i am looking at two guns a Ruger MK lll 5 and a half inch barrel and a Walter P22. I like the style of them both and always wanted a ruger. Was wonder are the rugers as picky on ammo as the P22's. I want something that will eat...
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    Question about handgun ownership age

    I just got a new handgun and im not 21 so my dad bought it for the me. The gun is in his name but can the gun put in my name once my permit gets back from the state or do i have to be 21 for the gun to be in my name. Thanks
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    slide help

    Was wonder if any one had a pic or knows a place to get one of a sif p229 with a slatwater slide on it. Wana show a buddy of what my new gun will look like.
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    First handgun

    Just ordered my first hand gun today its a Sig 229 40. Its a police trade in looks cool as hell has a salt water slide (think thats what he called the slide). From what i have been seeing i got a good deal on it 498 with tax and what not. Be in Friday cant wait to go shoot it.
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    25 caliber?

    if im thinking correctly what are the guns that you can buy out of mags like guns and ammo that are like $80 are they 25 caliber?
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    Hungarian PPK

    I am in the market for a hand gun and was wanting a PPK but the $500 price tag is out of my price range. Was reading a round and seen people talk about a Hungarian gun that was just about the same as a PPK was wondering if any one had any info on it like the name of the company price and all...