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  1. F

    Forums for rational discussion/debate on the right to bear arms

    Recently there was a thread entitled "Are ANY gun laws legal?" It went on for several days and then was closed by the moderator. I understand why it was closed; I guess the latter part of the discussion got provocative and maybe a little nasty, and so the moderator stopped the thread per the...
  2. F

    Steel case ammo in semis

    There was a recent thread about steel-cased ammo (e.g., Wolf) in the rifle forum and some references to pistol use. However, I'm still not sure what to do, with ammo prices going sky high. Steel-cased is much cheaper, and now there is some copper-plated steel case stuff (made or distributed by...
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    22 Target Pistol

    How about an update on what's a good target 22 for around $500 - $600? I'm not a serious competitor, but I do like to practice with an accurate 22. I've had my Ruger MK II Target a long time. Very accurate. Love to shoot it. But, it's such a pain in the neck to reassemble. I know there...
  4. F

    Kel-Tec P-32 slide stop

    Okay, here's another slide stop thread. Got the P-32 for use as a pocket pistol in the hot weather. At the range it fuctioned flawlessly - slide held back after the last round. Field stripped and cleaned later. Then, the slide would not stay back with an empty magazine in the gun. So, I...
  5. F

    Condition 2: Safe? When?

    This is a technical question. I must admit that I'm not fully sure when Condition 2 (full magazine, cartridge in chamber, hammer down, safety off) is safe and when it's not. There was a thread recently about 1911s, and a number of posts suggested that Condition 2 is unsafe with a 1911. (I...
  6. F

    Trigger Jobs: When Necessary?

    Luckily I have found a first-class pistolsmith and have taken my second gun to him for some re-working. Here's my thinking on this. I'd like to hear some discussion. My Smith 6" 686 is a terrific gun. But, I was finding at the range that I was shooting it almost exclusively in SA. That was...
  7. F

    45 ACP Ammo - Kimber & Sig P220

    Bought my Kimber Gold Match in '98 even before they sold a stainless version. Got the Sig about 2 years ago. They're both fabulous. . . . . with FMJ. Now, about 5 years ago I was interested in Bullseye Pistol shooting. Bought some semiwadcutter reloads (1000 rounds) at a gun show. (I...
  8. F

    CZ 75 Compact - Concealed Carry

    Love my 45s but when I got my license I wanted a smaller pistol. Chose the CZ 75 Compact because I love the feel. Not sure in what mode to carry it. Unlike my Sig P220 there is no decocker. So, to carry it in DA one has to lower the hammer (carefully) while pulling the trigger. Otherwise...