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  1. W

    Olympic Arms questions

    I have a chance to do a trade which in part means an Olympic Arms AR15 style rifle would be coming my way. I am unfamiliar with this particular arm. Any information, particularly from personal experience, would be appreciated. Reliability? Durability? Value? I have not seen the gun yet...
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    New and black& blue

    Gents. I spent about an hour with my brother at the range showing him the way around a Franchi Renaissance and a Benelli Super Sport. Gave a couple of tips about leading and mounting and courtesy at the range, etc. He left with the Franchi mumbling something about easier to operate...
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    Where can I go to shoot a Gatling gun?

    Last night on Mythbusters they played their top 25 busted myths. One of them was to use a Gatling Gun to cut down a tree. That gun they were using is cool. The hulls falling out of that thing was incredible. How many shells a minute does that gun shoot? More inportantly, I have a new item...
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    PA and CT gun laws?

    After a long period of unemployment, I expect an offer for a position in CT or PA. Can someone please briefly explain the gun laws in these states and/or point me to the rules. Frankly, at this point all I need is the 10,000 foot, executive summary. Carry permit? Permit for long arms...
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    .325 WSM

    I have the chance to get a virtually new Model 70 chambered in .325 WSM for a very reasonable cost. I have shot the cartridge and like it. Some will argue the .338 is the more standard cartridge but if you look at the numbers for the .325 and the .338 they are stunningly similar at 200 and...
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    Hello, Hello - calling One Oz.

    One Ounce: Do you know someone at your club or where ever that is looking for a starter gun? I don't know the guy selling but the reason I point it out is it is more or less in your country - a little south but not unreasonably far. Seems like a fair price. I'm just passing along info...
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    From today's Wall Street Journal - long post

    I am posting the entire article so those that do not have a subscription may have access to the text. *********** WASHINGTON—Mark Snyder, an amateur biathlete, wanted to buy a .22-caliber bolt-action rifle for target shooting and figured the process would take about a week. After nearly six...
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    Browning Golden Clays still made?

    The Browning website no longer shows the Golden Clays Sporting model. It is still manufactured? A good friend of mine is looking at one that is close to new. It is very nice. If it is not made any longer what year was it discontinued? Thoughts? Thanks.
  9. W

    Ithaca O/U video

    The Ithaca O/U. The video is from Shotshow 2010. Some interesting features - nothing earth shattering.
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    Gents, Merry Christmas

    Everyone: Merry Christmas to you, your friends, your families and especially to those who have less than you do. In this season of giving, may we all remember those around us and what we can do for them. May we also remember the men and women who are overseas or otherwise giving of...
  11. W

    Benelli 28 gauge comes to the USA

    Benelli has committed to bringing their 28 ga. semi-auto to the USA January 19th. There is a promo tease, like they did with the Vinci, on their website. The gun is being promoted as a hunting gun. It appears that it would not be difficult to put out a Super Sport version, something several...
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    Happy Thanksgiving

    Gents: Happy Thanksgiving to you, your families and friends. In a few hours, I will be traveling to my brother's house today to eat Thanksgiving bird and spend a few days in Atlanta. This may well be the last time all the nieces and nephews are together because they are all college age and...
  13. W

    Where is that guy looking for a skeet gun?

    A few days ago there was a guy looking for a skeet-oriented gun. Here would be a nice starter gun for him ( or someone else, I guess.) And priced right. No I don't know the seller.
  14. W

    NJ Court says 2A does not give right to own handgun

    While I understand the NJ courts position, the play seems political in the fact it was decided before the Supremes decide the three 2A cases in front of them. I expect this also will be incorporated or be stand alone in front of the Supremes. Either way, one more attempt to limit personal...
  15. W

    OK, here it is......

    Beretta's new entry. On first blush appears to be a 39X with a fancy buttstock attachment. Enjoy.
  16. W

    Fortune Magazine list of guns

    I was bouncing around on the internet in my insomnia and ran into this. It is a pretty good list. In fact there is a gun on the list I never heard of before. So I learned something........ Bring your money...
  17. W

    The crazy pricing on semi-autos.......

    Lets see if I can get a whole thought out on this. Also, does anyone else think this? I believe the prices on semi-autos has gotten way out of line, particularly for the so called "domestic company" guns, i.e., Winchester and Remington in particular. A few years ago (2003 or 2004?) Benelli...
  18. W

    Competition Gun **** - Kolar Skeet Max

    Over the weekend I got to fondle and makeout with one of these for one round at the Vero Beach (Sebastian) range. Nice wood, nice handling, nice price! 32-inch tubes, 9 lbs. I'm not sure about the heads-up-attitude thing though, my score was a 17. It will be interesting to see if the...
  19. W

    Bore diameter of 525?

    I am considering overboring the tubes about 0.075" on a 30-inch 525. Before making the decision is am trying to trackdown the diameter of the original cut - can't find it on the website. Yes, I know, I could mike it but I don't have a mike. Does anyone know what diameter Browning cuts these...
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    Calling Browning/Mikoru Nuts. I have a ?

    I fondled a really nice mid-eighties high-grade Mikoru at Saturday's gunshow. I know Mikoru mades the Citori for Browning and this guns outward appearance was identical (exclusive of stamping, fo course.) My question is about the guts. Are the sear, pin, spring, identical or are there...