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  1. B

    self-defense? better read this

    I haven't posted here in quite a while, but I figure I'd pass this on to the folks here at TFL (I'm gonna post an identical thread over at GT too). I just recently finished up a court case from May of last year that involved me defending myself against an assailant. I didn't use a gun, I used...
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    I posted a "mall ninja" thread...

    ...and now it's gone. Mods, did you remove it for some reason?
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    Possum vs. Glock 19 + Gold Dots

    Here's another WV strasbourg test for you. Saturday night, about 11:30, I heard a commotion on the front porch. Turns out to be an enourmous possum raiding the cat food. I snuck around the side of the house and caught him crawling out the window. He saw me, climbed to the top of a nearby...
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    Darn it, P32 is factory-bound

    Okay, now I'm gonna have to send my P32 back. Took it out to the range the other day, and the first mag shot through fine. The next mag, ever round "light-stiked", firing after resetting the trigger by pulling back the slide slightly. The onlt thing I can figure is that kepping it loaded wtih...
  5. B

    How about this for a .32ACP ammo idea?

    How about instead of a HP or rounded FMJ, someone would make a sharp-pointed FMJ? Mabye a point with a relatively steep angle, like 90 degrees or more? Do you think this would increase the effectiveness and penetration of the 32ACP? I've seen some people advocating the flat-point FMJ for 32s...
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    Taurus PT145 - debugged?

    I narrowly escaped buying a PT145 when they had frame cracking problems (thanks again, TFL). I still like the package, though - have they got all the probs worked out of them yet?
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    Know-Nothing Cornball at Flea Market

    You guys are gonna love this. I went to a flea market yesterday and an old guy had a Kel-Tec P-11 sitting on the table, with a half-full plastic tray of 9mm FMJ ammo. He also had a bunch of beat up .22s and some old shotguns. I looked the P-11 over, and it looked exceptionally clean, so I...
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    first turkey taken w/Hi-Point!

    I haven't had a chance to get online since this happened (was in Lunchburg, VA taking care of a BB King concert), but here's what happened on my first time out chasing turkey! Me and a bud started out at 5:00 AM and moved and set up several times. We heard one gobble at daybreak, but nothing...
  9. B

    Who lifts weights/works out?

    The "gun owners are fat" thread got me interested to see how many TFLers are into pumping iron. I've been at it now for about 3 years solid, after a new-years resolution. I went from around 120# in high school to 185# in college and I'm at 155# now, probably in the best shape I've been in (but...
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    Just saw a 17 Hornaday rimfire a local gunshop. It was a Ruger 77/17 bolt-action. The price was $499.00. It looked like all the other 77/22s I had seen, other than the writing and the different caliber. Pretty slick! -AL-
  11. B

    OC Foggers - which one?

    My fiancee works for a concert promotion company and she's looking for some sort of OC spray she can issue to security. Her boss told her to look for a small, inconspicuous 10% fogger-type spray with a safety lock, something that doesn't require a holster. She asked my opinion, but I'm...
  12. B

    Do yellow or green FO sights for a Benelli Nova exist?

    I've been seriously considering a Benelli Nova, but I'm not real fond of the red FO front sight. Does Benelli offer green or yellow front sights, or does any aftermarket supplier offer them? This is the only thing keeping me from buying one. -AL-
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    For those who responded to my locked "assault" thread, thank you. I posted the same thing over at Glocktalk, and they're giving me the "only pieces of crap get in brawls at bars" routine. This thread will probably be locked too, so again - thanks. -AL-
  14. B

    I was assauted - now what? Needing legal advice

    Well, I was involved in a pretty good fracas last night, and ended up getting pretty busted up. Here's what happened: For the record, "Big Al" is 5'5" and weighs about 150#. Me and my friend "B" were hanging out at a local bar. There were lots of our friends there, and we were having a...
  15. B

    Kel-Tec P32 .22LR conversion - feasability?

    I love my P32, but I can shoot my Glock 19 for about half as much. I'd shoot my P32 a lot more if it was able to run off of 22LR ammo - it would make for super-cheap practice. I wonder if the P32 design would allow a barrel/slide/mag conversion for 22LR? Kel-Tec would be in the money if it...
  16. B

    Best AK for the Money? milled or stamped?

    I'm new to the AK world and have seen many different varieties. I'd like to have some idea what to lean towards and what to avoid. A few guys have had milled Romanians and milled Chinese - are there any advantages to the milled reciever, other than higher price? They've been running about...
  17. B

    Building a 10-22 w/Cabela's parts - best stuff?

    Hey fellas, I'm seriously considering building a 10-22 project gun for the next squirrel season. I got a new Cabela's mag, and their 10-22 parts got my wheels turning. I'll probably start with a stainless reciever. As far as I can see, there are three barrels offered. The Green River barrel...
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    Now I remember what a Hi-Point 995 carbine looks like... of those rifles the gorillas used in the "Planet of the Apes" movies. Or mabye some kind of "Star Trek"/"Aliens" illegitimate child. Anyone in agreement?
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    Who says a Hi-Point Carbine is hard to clean?

    Just cleaned out my new Christmas present yesterday - followed the instructions, and with the exception of one reversal in the instruction manual, it went really smoothly. Just unbolt the shroud, drift the clip off the bottom, pop off the shrouds, unscrew the front sling swivel, pull out the...
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    Range Report : Hi-Point 995 Carbine "Police Package"

    Well, I got to take the Christmas present from my in-laws for a "test drive" yesterday, and was very pleased with the results. Here's the low-down: *Hi-Point 995 carbine in black, 9mm *BSA red-dot scope and weaver mounts *Hi-Point compensator and accessory mount *touch-activated Beamshot laser...