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  1. H

    FoxNews article - "Flawed laws helps stalkers victimize women"

    Well written article on why "gun-free zones" are a criminal's playground. Good take on why only criminals love "gun free zones"....
  2. H

    Pennsylvania - Pro Gun Rally - April 24th

    Pennsylvania TFL'ers - The Allegheny County Sportsmens League is organizing a Pro-Gun Rally at the Capitol steps in Harrisburg on April 24th, 2007. The rally will include legislators that will be introducing pro-gun legislation into the House and Senate that day. The rally is slated for...
  3. H

    Lead or jacketed ammo in your indoor gun club range?

    There's a very heated riff between the membership and the current officer in charge of the indoor range at our gun club. The current indoor range rules are as follows: No magnums No hollowpoint ammo No centerfire rifle No jacketed ammunition - lead or "washed lead" only No shotguns, period...
  4. H

    Anyone else think the use of "Tactical" has gone off the deep end?

    I thought I had "seen it all" by now in most gun magazines with the description of many gun related products: Tactical vest. Tactical pants. Tactical shirt. Tactical belt. Tactical boots. Tactical cat. Ooops, got carried away. I received a catalog from CED - Competitive Edge Dynamics -...
  5. H

    28 point deer - and that's not all

    Deer season is getting in full swing, and saw this on the local TV's website. 28-point deer taken in Missouri - and it's a doe. Hunter thought twice about shooting it, then shot it to "keep the gene pool clean". Video and slideshow links below:
  6. H

    "CLICK" - Not a warm fuzzy feeling with your carry gun

    My smaller carry piece is a Sig P232ST in .380. I change out ammo in the mags every year just to be on the safe side. When I changed it out, I "retired" the old ammo during IDPA practice so I could also run a few mags of a new brand through it just to be absolutely certain it feeds properly...
  7. H

    PA actually passes decent concealed carry legislation

    Just got word through a gun owner's group here in PA that HB 2563 (permitting concealed carry in State Parks) passed the PA Senate by a vote of 47-1. The word is that Guv Rendell is good with the legislation, and intends to sign it. Takes away one more restriction for concealed carry - until...
  8. H

    Anyone shoot .45 ACP with Titegroup?

    Anyone shoot .45 ACP with Titegroup? - Low FPS readings The shipment of dies for the Dillon finally arrived, and to the bench I went to make up the starting loads for .45 ACP. I have Clays already that I've used for 9mm, and it's worked well. Wanted to try a couple of other powders to see the...
  9. H

    Sig Revolution STX - range report

    Well, I've had the new Sig for three weeks now, and have shot it at IDPA practice for the Thursday night practice sessions. If anyone is of a mind to buy a Sig Revolution series pistol, you'll be well pleased with the performance of Sig's 1911 offerings. I purchased the Revolution STX, the top...
  10. H

    Info from Sigarms email flyer - stolen guns

    Although I love my Brownings, I'm also a staunch Sig fan. I get emails from Sig monthly, and this month's edition has the following alert in it about a batch of stolen shotguns in Oklahoma City. You never know, you might come across one of these if you're in that area.... **** ******...
  11. H

    If you only do one thing tomorrow - VOTE!

    This post should not be construed as a "Legal and Political" post, oh wise and wonderful mods...:D Just a friendly reminder that all TFL members need to get out and vote tomorrow - regardless of your political persuasion. 230 years and counting of a great experiment in democracy is still...
  12. H

    Situational awareness and why you don't answer a cell phone at IDPA practice

    I carry my cell phone with me at all times due to being 'on call' for my secondary job at any hour of the day or night. Naturally, it's in the range bag during IDPA practice last night, and in between shooters I hear the familiar Nokia jingle. Quickly dug out the phone from the bottom of the...
  13. H

    Pass the Advil, and get that insurgent

    This young Marine is thanking DuPont's chemists for only a slight headache with a scratch on the side.... And those dang reporters - I wanna know if the Marines got the guy in their sights! :D Stay safe over there...
  14. H

    R3 or Limbsaver pads for youth stock?

    OK, don't laugh too hard. Just bought a 870 Tactical, and of course with my short arms, the dang length of pull is just too much to shoot safely with (and not aggravate myself always catching the front of the shoulder with the end of the stock), and I had to get a youth stock (1" shorter) for...
  15. H

    Oh, Lord - I bought a "wheelie"... :D

    As one who has always used a semi-auto, the thought of purchasing a "real gun", as revolver lovers like to say, didn't appeal too much - other than a curiosity to see how they felt, shot and for accuracy. Decided to go for a 4-gun classification in IDPA (or get started towards it). Did the...
  16. H

    Rule #3 broken - and one ticked partner

    Caught this clip on another site - evidently a recent occurence. (Not busting on) female partner of arresting deputy is covering the suspect with her sidearm. Unfortunately, her finger is still on the trigger. Wanna bet it was a Glock? <ducks> :D The suspect wasn't too happy about it...
  17. H

    Never take anything for granted when handling your firearms

    Interesting article I came across from another forum. If you don't like looking at post-surgical wounds, don't click... Guy who is a US Marshall started to strip his Glock to clean it...from the title of the thread, you can guess the result. (1) OUCH. (2)...
  18. H

    Auuurgh...Murphy is running rampant again - shoot that sot!

    <begin rant> Murphy's Law For Weekends(tm) - The amount of time and intensity of desire to enjoy a long holiday weekend is inversely proportional to the reliability and craftsmanship of the equipment required to do the job. Translated: If you want to enjoy a long weekend at the range, don't...
  19. H

    Finally got the bench finished!

    Whew! Only took me a couple of months (begging time here and there to work on it), but finally got the reloading bench and the Dillion 650 up and running... Took the plans from the Nat'l Reloaders Manufacturer's Association and basically built it to the plans, with the exception of not closing...
  20. H

    Explain the difference in springs...

    I've never replaced the springs in any of the semi-autos that I own; I've seen references to changing out springs, putting different strength (stiffer) springs in the pistol, etc. Can someone who has a good working knowledge of this give a semi-detailed explanation of what, when and why to...