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    Concerned Southern Californian's FYI Sgt.K
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    G17 Adjustable Sight Question.

    Greetings, I recently purchased a G17 w/adjustable sights. It was made in 10/92. The sight has 2 screws, one on each side of the 'leaf?'. The 'leaf?' extends about an eight of an inch behind the slide. I have been informed, though you can tell by looking, that these sights break-off easily...
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    The 'Constitution Party'.

    The current farce we have with the election proves the need for a political party that expresses the intent of The Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I suggest all Sons and Daughters Of Liberty visit The Constitution Party check it out and get in contact with the National Party and Your State...
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    Please Stop with all of the 'Please Stop' Posts!

    Please!!! :D :D :D
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    CCW Sgt.K
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    After-Action Senario

    I posted this at a couple of other forums. Received very few responses so far. The couple that I've gotten have just stated that this is the reason they would only defend themselves or a loved one. Hate to tell them but IMO this would play out under those circumstances also. BTW, I don't...
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    Shumer says Reno should be Supreme Court Justice.

    This evening on O'Reilly this was the most Ridiculous Item of the day. I agree. Scary thought too. Sgt.K
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    My One-Hundreth Post!!!

    No telling how many I have read!!! Thousand's probably!!! Thanks for the opportunity!!! This is a great place!!! Here's to the next 100 posts and the thousand's that I will read!!! Sgt.K
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    Sen. Boxer Poll: We're LOSING!!! Sgt.K
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    Anyone Else an Election Official?

    My first time was last November. I was the "Sheriff". That just meant I was in charge of the Flag and Posters. Actually the job entails enforcing Electioneering Laws. And I did insure ballots where properly counted at the box. I enjoyed it and just recently attended the meeting for May 23rd...
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    Who OWES the Gov. Money?!?!

    Well sure enough, as usual, I owe the Fed. Gov. a little over 100 bucks. :p :confused: And it seems I owe the State about 13 bucks :mad: :p Jeez!!! Sgt.K
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    Proof Census Info is Private!! NOT!!

    Found this at's Venting Venue. BTW, I received the Long (53 ?s). And I will only answer the three mentioned in the following post. Sgt.K :::::::::::::::::: Kenneth Prewett, Director of the Bureau of the Census writes: ``Your privacy is protected by law (Title 13 of the...
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    W748 Starting Load for AR-15

    I am developing a load for plicking and practice using W748, once-fired WW brass, WSR primers and 55gr. FMJBT bullets. I'm using Winchester Data that shows 26.2gr. max. My firearm is an MT6530, 16"bbl. 1-7 twist. I would like to know what the starting load should be, in your experience, to...
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    Michigan Law Question

    Does Michigan have a gun-owner ID system i.e. specific photo ID, fingerprinting etc.? Thanks, Sgt.K
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    Ranger 12ga Shotgun Parts

    Hello, I have an old 12ga side-by-side hammerless shotgun with dual triggers. On the left side of the receiver is "Ranger" on the right side "PAT.APR.20-1915". The serial number is 99845G, the barrel has this same number, less the G. The top of the left barrel is marked "12 GAUGE". I need...
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    Topics w/many replies

    Hello, Not sure if you can help me. I'm getting this message at the bottom of a topic page with many replies. "This page too big to be shown completely" I'm using WebTv. So you may not be able to help. I have experienced this at other forums. Thanks, Sgt.K
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    Has Anyone Been Called By A Gun Pollster??

    I've been wondering about this for a while. Because, as you know, Americans, according to the lates polls, want more gun control. No one has ever asked my opinion. I have never participated in a telephone interview or any other type of gun poll. Except, of course, the ones I get from all of...
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    Sign this Petition to Disbar Clinton!!

    Received this from Petition to Disbar Bill Clinton He should have been thrown out of office a LONG time ago. The LEAST we can do is take away his right to practice law in Arkansas. 250,000 Signatures needed soon...
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    "Don't" Sign this Petition!!

    Check this out. Drop this self-described "Defender of Rights" an E-Mail. Sgt.K
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    Hit by a ricochet!!

    Hello, Let me say I wasn't injured, just a small bruise. Last night my brother and I went to the indoor range (25 yrds). We were just plinking around with .22's. We had been there a while and the place had cleared out. Just two other people using another lane. So I was standing at an...