Search results

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    Mark Craighead passed?

    Anyone else hear this? Mark Craighead of crossbreed holsters passed away from a heart attack? Just read this on another forum. Just searched a little more. Sad, but true. Rest in peace brother.
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    Pheasants Forever Fausti

    Anyone ever had hands on one? I have a chance to buy one (12 guage), and have only seen a few so-so pics of this particular model. Is it the same as the ones relabeled? I have read in several forums that they make cheaper guns for other labels, but also make some very high quality guns. Just...
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    Wad fouling

    Couple quick questions. First, what is the best way to remove wad fouling? I've seen a variety of brushes and such, but what works best on the plastic fouling for you? Second, I have a couple of very nice rods for rifles, but is there an adapter available to go from rifle to shotgun cleaning...
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    diameter of different chokes

    Do the inside diameter of chokes/choke tubes vary manufacturer to manufacturer, or is there a standard that they all go by? The reason that I'm asking is that I shot in a turkey shoot (first time) yesterday, and I noticed when the chokes were gauged on all the guns, some were tighter than...
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    RCBS caliper question

    I have an RCBS electronic caliper, and just noticed a removable cover just next to the battery compartment. It looks like a place to plug in a cord or something. I can't believe I am just noticing this, as I've had it for some time, but the Starret dial gets used more often I guess. Anyway, what...
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    o/u lube points?

    To make a long story short, I aquired a fairly cheap turkish made O/U a little while back. It has seen somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 rounds in the last 6 months, and is very tight. Not sure of total rounds fired, but the gun looked like brand new when I got it. Upon opening, it is very...
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    need help identifying shotgun

    A friend of mine has offered to give me an O/U shotgun as partial payment of some money that I loaned him a while back. The problem is, that I'm not sure of the manufacture. He was told that the gun is a Huglu, but neither of us has enough experience to be sure. I know pics would help, and maybe...
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    Savage Milano

    Anyone own or have actual experience with this O/U? My interest in sporting clays is starting to grow, and I've only shot clays a few times (I'm a lazy bench rest rifle guy at heart). I have handled some very nice guns (a few of the guys at my club have to keep pulling thier pants up cuz money...
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    Need wood

    I know this is a stretch, and maybe even impossible, but is there a source where I might find a rear stock for a Remmie 1882 double? My father recently acquired (for free I might add) the old double, and it's condition is pretty bad. Lock up is loose, hammer faces are peened out quite a bit, but...
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    indoors or outdoors

    Just wondering which you prefer, shooting indoors or outside. I live in central OH and it has been fairly cold in this neck of the woods the last few weeks, so I have been shooting indoors. I have met a few folks that told me that they actually prefer to shoot indoors no matter what the weather...
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    Revelation m225 same as Savage m340?

    In particular, I'm wondering if scope (side) mounts for the Savage 340 will fit on the Revalation 225. The Rev. is chambered for .222 Rem. Thanks to anyone that could shed some light on this for me.
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    triple duece

    Looking for load data for a 50 gr Winchester flat based lead nosed bullet with BL-C(2) powder for .222 Rem. The bullet package describes the bullet as a PSP. In particular, an OAL that would fit most factory rifles is really what I need. I'm loading for an old Revalation rifle that belongs to my...
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    Need a basic list

    I've been reloading for several pistol and rifles for some time now, and I'm ready to move on to the next step. Could some of you folks please give me a list of the basic things that I would need to start casting my own bullets? (I already have a great source for lead, How long will a 55 gallon...
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    Got Lead?

    Getting ready to load some lead bullets for the first time. I've been reloading jacketed bullets for a while now, and just recieved my 360gr WFN GC for 454C and 460S&W Magnum. They are the LBTs from CPB. Got load data straight from Hodgdon's site, but wanted to ask about any do's or dont's about...
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    Need data

    Just picked up my spanking new Smith 460 XVR. Could someone please direct me to some load data for the 460? Also, can I use my 460 dies for 454 and 45LC? Thanks for any info!
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    need info

    My father bought a revolver new in Germany in 1968 (I think the year is correct), and I would just like to know a little more about it. I don't have very good pics, but it is a 44 mag revolver with "Liberty" stamped on one side of the barrel and "W. Germany" stamped on the other side. He says it...