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  1. S

    Leo's shoot ANOTHER unarmed man. 08:50 PM ET 08/03/00 Ill. Cop Charged in Motorist Death BLOOMINGTON, Ill. (AP) _ Prosecutors filed murder charges Thursday against a police officer who allegedly shot to death a mentally disabled motorist after chasing him...
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    Leo Shoots Unarmed Man Neb. Cop Charged in Fatal Shooting OMAHA, Neb. (AP) _ A white police officer will be charged with manslaughter for shooting an unarmed black man after a high-speed chase, authorities said. Douglas County Attorney Jim...
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    Shoot to Kill ... Conclusion ... or part III???

    Hello TFL members! Something has come over me the last week and I have turned into a rapid fire TFL posting machine. Due to pushing the issue, and getting the other thread gutted, I decided it was time to finish what I started. I had this in mind from the very begining. This is not something...
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    Ack! I've been censored!

    Hello, I think the internet is goofy today. The missing posts magically appeared. Maybe because I tried to grab a thread while a moderator was tinkering? Sprig [This message has been edited by Sprig (edited July 25, 2000).]
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    Ack! I've been censored!

    Hello, I think the internet is goofy today. The missing posts magically appeared. Maybe because I tried to grab a thread while a moderator was tinkering? Sprig [This message has been edited by Sprig (edited July 25, 2000).]
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    Flame Warriors !

    Found this on another forum posted by a guy that had found it on another forum .... Which one are you? Sprig
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    Shoot to Kill part II

    Ahh, the famous HelgeS has done it again. "Please, stop that stupid "what if he kills your children later" nonsense. ... Dumping in emotionally focus examples like that are annoying and sadly not relevant to the discussion at all." Ahh, yes, its very relavent. In this example the criminal has...
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    Bah, no replies.

    Why do threads I created generate an on average significantly lower number of replies? I am confident that most of my text is well presented in grammer, logic, and argument. Today I got a brainstorm! While researching the MIB threads I had taken my camera with me. Today, I came up with the...
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    The complete story of MIB ... with proof!

    Hello, I have seem 'em. Watch out! I now fear for my life. You can see the horrid details of this, and 100% proof at this secret web site. Click on Stories then you should easily see the secret link. Codename Sprig
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    Readily Convertible?

    Ok, I give up expecting feedback. The most I will ever get is 5 or 6 replies. BUT! I must ask. How long does it take for a company to produce one firearm from raw materials? If one guy at Berretta can start all the machines, and out comes enough parts to assemble 10,000 firearms in 24hours...
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    The media and its hidden agenda?

    I already posted about this once, but I think it might be buried where the original topic doesn't generate as much interest. This in regards to the the defensive shooting of McDonalds employee Willis Lee. One of the media sources in Houston claimed that Mr. Lee had been fired for violation of...
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    Ft. Lewis encounter with MIB today!

    Hello all, Went ahead and did a little driving to confirm/rebuke the MIB Ft.Lewis thread. The MIB on Ft.Lewis thread is 100% total BS and not correct in any initial detail. I mentioned that I live less then 15 minutes from the turnoff listed in the post. I spent a total of 1 hour driving...
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    The UN and YOUR children.

    This is the link for the entire diry text. This is an email I sent to a friend. It lost its formatting with the cut and paste. Not sue what I should do to fix it. Sure would have been easier if HTML was enabled. 2. States Parties shall take all appropriate...
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    Elian Picture Contest!

    Hey! I was emailed this a while ago. Its great! I uploaded to my web site and you can find it at Click on files then on Elian Picture Contest. Its a large file, about 500kb. To many hits will exceed my bandwidth, so get it while you can! Sprig...
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    Tired of the Buckmark Bashing on TFL.

    I don't get it. Nearly every thread on .22lr pistols either bashes the Buckmark or considers it 2nd class and I truely don't understand why. My wife purchased the Standard Buckmark Micro for a .22lr to shoot as an aid to pistol training/shooting at minimal ammo cost. With quality ammo it is...
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    The 2nd amendment is DECEASED.

    Over the last few days I have given the NICS outage extra thought. I have reached the conclusion that the 2nd amendment is dead. For four days, 100% of NONregistered persons could not take possesion of purchased firearms for 4 days. Only those persons, in select states with differing laws...
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    It's baffling...

    I found this on the MMM website.... Like others, I could only wade through a few. -----Start Quote----- "My husband is a licensed gun owner and we are not anti-gun, but there must be gun control in America. It seems that in the legislature only money talks. I am ashamed to be from Tom Delay's...
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    Limpwristing II

    Egads, 40 posts to the original thread and probably just a bunch of confusion. Limpwristing is real. Limpwristing can be mathmaticaly defined using physics and calculus. I am not going to try to teach these topics here, but I think I can explain it well enough in laymans terms. The BIGGEST...
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    Help. Used Kahr needs recoil spring and guide.

    Hello, I blew it. My wife saw a Kahr K40 and I told her go ahead an buy it. The exterior condition was so good I didn't bother to field stip it prior to purchase, or clean prior to shooting. Shooting it today it bobbled a couple of times. I field stripped it and it was obvious that the recoil...
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    Columbine ... its about ALL freedoms.

    I saw this posted on a gaming forum. ----- The Columbine shootings. Because of that tragic incident, my school which is in a different state has adopted new policies which make it nigh impossible to get onto or off of the campus, and require everyone to wear an ID card around their neck...