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  1. L

    358 Winchester vs. 338 Winchester Magnum

    Two different gun stores have Ruger Model 77's on their racks. One is chambered for the 358 Winchester Magnum and the other in the 338 Winchester magnum. Both rifles are new and priced about the same. I do reload, so I can get maximum versatility from each caliber. Do be honest, I really...
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    Canine Users?

    How many here use dogs to hunt with? Not big game, but for birds? How many dog users would not bird hunt if it wasn't for the dog aspect of it? In other words, no dog, no hunting.
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    Pronghorn versus Deer

    How tough of a target is an antelope compred to a deer? Not tough to hit, but tough to bring down?
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    Lead Bullets

    I haven't done much reloading using lead bullets. I don't really want to get into bullet casting, but I did some web surfing and see that there are quite a few companies that make and sell lead bullets. Who has tried premade lead bullets? How do they perform? I reload for a .38 Special and I'll...
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    Which Handgun?

    I finally completed my CCW course and submitted the paperwork to the Sheriff department. I can't wait to get my card. Being that it is winter and it is very cold here, concealing most guns is easy this time of year. Summers on the other hand are quite warm and therefore concealing guns beomes...
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    Antelope Adequate?

    I was playing around with my .243. I found a bullet it really likes. The Nosler 85 grain Partition. Do you think this bullet/cartrdige combination would be adequate for pronghorns? Has anyone used this bullet for any type of hunting?
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    Gauge Differences???

    A twelve gauge shotgun can throw more birdshot out then a 20 gauge can. They both have larger payloads then 28 gauges. A ten tops all of them. I realize, at least in theory, that more pellets translates into more hits on target and thus more damage to said target. I also know that the shot...
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    What Went Wrong?

    Recently I purchased one of those cheapie side by side shotguns in 20 gauge. Its one of those that has some folks turning their noses up at them. Posting any question about this gun will immediately cause a dozen replies to what a POS it is and if a gun's price tag isn't at least equal to a...
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    Semi-Auto Cleaning

    Those of you that use semi-auto shotguns, how often do you clean them? Do you clean them eveytime you use them or after so many shells are fired? I have seen all kinds of cleaning frequencies used. I know guys that clean them everytime they take them out, weather they have fired them or not. I...
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    Bucket List

    Over the weekend the wife and I watched "The Bucket List." Its a movie about these two old guys that were given six months to live. They generate a list of thing they want to do before the end. Its called the Bucket List because it has to do with "kicking the bucket." Obviously it was...
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    AR Deer

    AR's have really come a long way over the last few years. There are ones that are set up for deer hunting. Even the various magazines include articles about big game hunting using AR's. Has anyone here deer hunted with one? How did work? Any funny looks from other hunters?
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    Start Over

    We all can agree that there are way, way, way too many gun laws. Sadly, they do little against crime and a lot to hinder law-abiding citizens. However, we can all agree that firearms do require some regulations. But how many? Lets say that on December 31st all current gun laws are removed from...
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    20 or 28

    If a bird hunter already owns a 12 gauge field gun, what would be a more logical, lighter second shotgun, a 20 or 28 gauge? I am not asking about ammo availability or ammo cost. If that was the focus the twenty would win. I am talking about having a lighter gun and versatility.
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    Nature vs Nurture

    How much of ones shooting ability do you think is in-born versus learned? Do you think that there are folks that are naturally born shooters, or do you think that anyone could become good enough to compete with the best? I think it is a sixyt-forty mix. Sixty percent of shooting ability is...
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    Can't You Smell That Smell?

    I recently picked up several boxes of Aguila rimfire ammo. They do have quite a variety. I decided to run several of them through some of my rimfires. They functioned flawlessly and were accurate to boot. But I have one complaint, the smell. I enjoy the odor of rimfire ammo. But this stuff had...
  16. L

    Which Gun?

    You are out hunting rabbits in an area of heavy brush and vegatation. It is so thick that you can hardly get a shot off. The trail you are on is narrow, but it allows you to walk around. In your hands is a 20 gauge double barrel shotgun loaded with low-base 8's. On your hip is a Ruger Blackhawk...
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    The trap club I go to has several shooters that use Perazzi Shotguns. They are nice looking and they are not cheap. Does anyone here own or use one? Are they really worth the price? I hardly see them mentioned here. Just curious.
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    Does Size Matter?

    I have mentioned several times here that I used to be an armed guard. It was many years ago. It helped me pay my way through college. In order to carry a gun, I had to go through a course. We learned about laws pertaining to when shooting someone is justifiable. We not only learned about the...
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    Trigger Count

    What do you all prefer on multi-barrel shotguns, single or double triggers? What are the advantages of and disadvantages of each? On side-by-sides, I have always liked two triggers, I just think they look better on that type of shotgun. On Over/Unders, it doesn't matter to me. What matters to...
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    Go Between

    It has been awhile since I have been here. Like many Americans, the economy has put considerable pressure on me. I had to sell several guns recently. Now that things have stabilized for me, I am ready to buy another gun, a rifle to be exact. I have two bolt action rifles right now. One is a...