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  1. D

    Had a funny thought today..

    The Bible has many different stories, if you will. I remember being read some of the text of the Bible as a youth in Sunday School. One of the stories I remember was about Sodom and Gomorrah, and the punishment those places received from a higher authority, according to the story. OK, here...
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    WTK Mauser receiver dimensions

    Reason I ask: I have a very nice Krico 600 rifle w/Schmidt&Bender scope on it. Now, I normally wouldn't dink with it. But I have a US Optics scope I'm wanting to mount on it, but no way in Hades can I get the US scope to clear the barrel with the original scope base(s) and rings. And I'm not...
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    Pipeline Explosions

    xxxxxxx xxxx [This message has been edited by Donny (edited August 21, 2000).]
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    Democrat Converts

    Anyone know any Demo converts during the past administrations reign? My parents, both dyed in the wool Demo's longer than I've been on this rock, switched 'bout 4 years ago. Never thought I'd see that day come, honestly. Now, I don't think they'll ever consider being a Demo again. At least not...
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    Another Clinton Era Legacy?

    Looks like the corruption keeps continuing. Is there no end to the Constitutional violation in this administration? CROOKED WACO MASSACRE COVERUP JUDGE HAS REDUCED JURY to 5 PEOPLE! & Only 8 hrs of Testimony Allowed! Constitution Breaking...
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    Quotes used by (in)famous people

    I use a quote in my signature line, and have been asked to provide a source. The quote was from Lenin, the Father of the Soviet Union, and a true Marxist. Here is the full quote, even though I choose to use part of it.. COMMUNIST RULES FOR REVOLUTION...
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    Higher learning rag slams Guns

    Had bought the June 2000 issue of Scientific American because of a couple of articles in it. The front cover had a minor headline, "Special Report: The New Face of War." Here's the link to the issue, and you decide.
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    Deadly Toxin missing now, what next!!!

    Cheezz, can't these guys keep anyting under lock and key? Canister vanished from Superfund site in Cocke County June 10, 2000 By J.J. Stambaugh, News-Sentinel staff writer Contract workers for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency enter the...
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    Ohio Judge See's the Truth

    Looks like there's still some who believe in Justice for the masses, as it was intended to be. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
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    Pro 2nd Shortwave Freqs?

    Does anyone have some freqs for Pro-2nd shortwave radio sites? I've had a fairly good Kenwood XCVR for several years and have finally decided to put it to good use. Best Regards, Don ------------------ The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms...
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    An interesting read on US vs. Miller Case (1939)

    Fairly hefty reading, but essential in understanding the arguements, and attacks by the our enemies. For the sake of brevity, I've not included the document(s) here. Enjoy or get angry, but read this. Best Regards, Don...
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    CopyCat plan foiled in San Antonio

    Yep, a pair of copycats were caught in SA today trying to become famous. Seems wearing pricey shoes, and walking around looking like a billboard ain't cutting it anymore. School Attack Plot Discovered UPI May 18, 2000 Police say an...
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    Alabama knocks waiting period!!!

    Check this out!!! MONTGOMERY — While mothers prepared to march last weekend in Birmingham and Washington for stricter gun control laws, Alabama lawmakers were doing their part to ease regulations on handguns in Alabama. Last week...
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    Is the Constitution in death throws?

    I read the following article, I was first upset because the author improperly quoted the number of cows grazing that day. But, I'm glad that the reported stated what other's haven't had the cajones to say before, and that's that they...
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    Bio Implants

    Check out this site. Another of the "Digital Angel" themes. Why, oh why, do they want to turn me into a Cyborg. I don't want to be assimilated. Best Regards, Don ------------------ The most foolish mistake we could make would...
  16. D

    Times are different.

    OK, I got you to look at this. I need to lighten it up a bit, and thought I'd share a funny with everybody.. Here goes. A woman and her family were in Church one fine Sunday. Mother wasn't feeling well that day, all bloated and irritable, well, you know. Anyway the Pastor was doing his best to...
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    Airframe machanics in the House??

    I know this has nothing to do with guns, but... Are there any airframe mechanics in the house? Does anyone know how airplane fuels cells are built? What type venting/equalization scheme is used on them? If the tanks are sealed after refueling, how are they kept equalized to keep from imploding...
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    More evidence(?) on Traitor-in-Chief

    More recent info on why you shouldn't be allowed to have that SUV. Oil ministers from OPEC nations have quietly told national security advisors on Capitol Hill that the oil production cutbacks -- and resulting...
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    Another article on the MMM

    You all should read this. Another refreshing breath of air. Best Regards, Don ------------------ The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms; history shows...
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    Stories of Zero-Tolerance in schools.

    This is a good collection of the atrocities commited against our innocent young, "to protect them". Oh, and there's a couple polls there as well. Best Regards, Don ------------------ The most foolish mistake we could make...