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  1. F

    CNN Poll: Do we need more gun control?

    Do the recent shooting rampages highlight the need for more gun control? About half way down the page on the right side. At this time (21:30 EDT) we're down: 65% to 35%
  2. F

    Radians Maximus Electronic Ears?

    I'm in the market for electronic hearing protection. Would prefer the kind that suppress/compress loud noises, rather than those that clip or shut down. (In a very busy, noisy indoor range, the kind that shut off completely are little better than non-electronic muffs.) Was becoming discouraged...
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    Michigan Senate Approves Self-Defense Bills

    Yay! :) From an NRA email I just received: Now we wait to see if Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm will sign it. Despite originally being one the most out-spoken critics of Michigan's (at the time proposed) new "shall issue" legislation, she has since publicly renounced her opposition to...
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    Pushed the "!" and commented some time yesterday on this spam: It's still there. Perhaps the moderator that gets the alerts for that section is away? (Not trying to be critical or impatient. Just hate spam with a deep and abiding...