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    Paramilitarism and the Police

    This Cato Institute paper entitled "Warrior Cops, The Ominous Growth of Paramilitarism in American Police Departments" offers a view of a trend that should concern every citizen!
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    Kids, Condoms, and Guns

    Michelle Malkin June 1, 2001 Kids, Condoms, and Guns Let us, for a moment, take the sex-education pushers at their word: If you teach a child how to use a condom, you're promoting safety -- not usage. That's what a new review of sex-ed curricula claims. "The overwhelming weight of evidence...
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    Ashcroft to protect private ownership of firearms

    Ashcroft to protect private ownership of firearms Submitted on: May 23, 2001 Ashcroft to protect private ownership of firearms By Jerry Seper THE WASHINGTON TIMES Attorney General John Ashcroft has reversed a Clinton...
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    Ann Coulter RE: John Lott

    Ann Coulter March 8, 2001 More facts, fewer liberals While having dinner recently with John Lott, author of "More Guns, Less Crime," one of life's enduring debates came up: Are liberals evil or just stupid? I was surprised to discover that Lott vigorously disputed those of us staking out the...
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    Dateline - "In The Line Of Fire"

    Be prepared for another hatchet job disguised as a "report!" SUNDAY, MARCH 4 - 8:00 PM ET In the Line of Fire "Correspondent Maria Shriver reports on an in-depth look at guns and young people in the United States. ”Dateline NBC”...
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    Unarmed and unsafe in Britain

    Paul Craig Roberts February 28, 2001 Unarmed and unsafe The last vestige of civilized Britain has fallen away -- the unarmed British "Bobbie." For 170 years, British police functioned without guns. Since their founding by Sir Robert Peel in 1829, Bobbies walked their beats armed only with...
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    Walter Williams on Kennedy's Ignorance

    Walter Williams January 24, 2001 Constitutional ignorance During last week's Senate confirmation hearings, Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., laid into President Bush's attorney general nominee John Ashcroft about his strong support for the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment. Kennedy demanded...
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    "Dark" bores

    My recently aquired WWII Mauser has a bore that has no accumulated "crud" but no matter how many times I scrub it with my bronze brush, patches and MPro7, it remains very dark. What causes a bore to turn very dark and why does it not seem to want to be bright again? Is it safe to shoot a rifle...
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    Licensing Toy Guns

    This item from the Sydney (Australia) Morning Herald is another example of the extremism involved in the anti-gun agenda. NZ kids get 'licence' to play with toy guns Children as young as four in New Zealand are being required to...
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    Toledo (Ohio) Newspaper - Opinion

    Eileen Foley: Speaking out for the right to protect home and family August 11, 2000 Let me introduce you to Doug, a straight-talking quality assurance manager in the food industry, his wife Judy, a medical...
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    To Believe in Gun Control

    Got this recently via E-mail and though it worth passing on. In fact, I'm going to send a paper copy to my State and Federal reps. It's amazing what one has to believe to believe in "gun control": Banning guns works, which is why New York, DC, and Chicago cops need guns. Washington DC's low...
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    We Reap What We Sow

    Got this in an Email today and thought it worth passing on- QUESTION: Dear God; Why didn't you save the school children in Littleton, Colorado? Sincerely, A concerned Student REPLY: Dear Concerned Student; I am not allowed in schools. Sincerely, GOD How Did It Start? Let's see, I think it...
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    "The Gore Gun Agenda"

    Still more on why Gore must be defeated at the polls in November: 5/05/00 The Gore Gun Agenda Al's ultimate objective would be to abolish all firearms privacy. By Dave Kopel, Independence Institute...
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    More from Kalifornia Police support checks on ammo sales The Los Angeles Police Commission has unanimously backed a proposed city ordinance to require background checks before people can buy gun ammunition...
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    Taurus & NRA

    Received this notice today via E-mail: - - - - - - - - - - - - Contact: Gary G. Mehalik Marketing Manager (305) 624-1115 ext. 204 For Release April 14, 2000 TAURUS® FIREARMS OFFERS FREE NRA MEMBERSHIP WITH EACH NEW GUN SOLD (MIAMI) As part of its ongoing...
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    Al Gore & the Constitution

    This commentary by Linda Bowles ( reminds us why it is critical for RKBA that Gore be defeated this Fall: In his last debate with Bill Bradley, Al Gore revealed to all who cared to listen why he is not fit to be...
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    Women and Guns

    Item from CommentMax Women and Guns Dr. Michael S. Brown March 27, 2000 One of the great ironies of the cultural war over gun rights is that women are...
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    9 Myths of Gun Control

    Highly recommended reading and a good reference source:
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    Wall St. Journal on Smith & Wesson

    March 21, 2000 The Following from the WSJ once again proves that Shakespeare was right! Plaintiffs Lawyers Take Aim at Democracy By Walter K. Olson. Mr. Olson, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute, edits the Web site and is author, most recently, of "The Excuse Factory: How...
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    Study Documents Media Bias Against NRA

    Jeff Jacoby of the Boston Globe reports on a study by a University of Michigan student of media bias against the NRA.