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  1. M

    Dangerous behavior at the gun shop.

    I'm curious as to what others would have done here. Recently, I went into a local gun shop to see if they had anything new. There were three customers there together, all young guys (early 20's) looking at semi-autos, and it's clear that they have no experience with guns. Each time one of these...
  2. M

    Is anybody out there having fun?

    This rant really has no other use other than for me to vent. With each visit to these forums, I'm really beginning to wonder if anyone out there is actually having fun with the shooting sports. All I read, seems to revolve around some type of worry. With the worrying about the..... 1)...
  3. M

    Are we our own worst enemy at times?

    I've been active in the gun-control debate for many years, and I'm starting to believe that sometimes, we are are own worst enemy, that what we say and how we argue ends up doing more harm than good. With the rise of the internet, I think it's gotten worse. I've compiled a list of common...
  4. M

    S&W Model 28 - price check

    A local dealer has a minty pinned/recessed 4" model 28 with Pachmyer grips. Asking price is $400. Is that way out of line or a decent deal? Thanks. Marc
  5. M

    One more immigration rant.

    This is from another thread. It's brilliant responses like this that make this site look like it's populated by nothing more than a bunch of uneducated, trigger-happy far right gun nuts. Here's some advice to those who are of the "plant the land mines and man the machine guns mentality", not...
  6. M

    Blazer ammo for defense.

    I know Blazer ammo is meant for practice, but is there any reason that it be a poor choice to use for self defense? I recently picked up some Blazer 9x18 Mak, loaded with the Gold Dot HP. Cost is not an issue, I don't think it's available in brass cased 9x18. It seems like it would make a good...
  7. M

    Is cocked and locked really safe?

    The thread on striker fired semis has got me thinking, We're always being told that a mechanical device can fail, and shouldn't be relied on, yet a lot of people have no problem carrying a pistol with the hammer cocked, and the safety on. Doesn't it seem to be asking for trouble to rely on a...
  8. M

    Rifle ranges in the Twin Cities

    Does anyone know if there are any ranges in the Twin Cities area that allow the use of steel core ammo? I would love to be able to shoot my surplus rifles with cheap surplus ammo, but none of the ranges I know of allow the steel core bullets.
  9. M

    The Mighty Raven.

    I tend to be a gun snob, but I have to admit that I have one of these, and like it. I picked it up at a gun show one day, because it was cheap (I traded one P7M8 and a Naval Luger for it ;) ) I've put hundreds of rounds through it, with one jam on a hollowpoint. Other than that, reliability is...
  10. M

    Accidental/Negligent discharge-ever have one?

    I know this is a potentially embarrasing topic, but figured I'd ask. Has anyone ever had a gun go off when they weren't expecting it to? About a dozen years ago, I was in the process of unloading my .380 carry gun to do some dry fire practice, when the phone rang. I put the gun down and...
  11. M

    Surplus S&W Model 10

    I just purchased a surplus model 10, with the skinny barrel and a lanyard ring. Serial # is AFW7XXX. Does anyone know when this was made, and what agency might have used it? I haven't had the chance to fire it, but it's in mint mechanical condition, and the DA trigger is as smooth as glass.