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  1. P

    This election is about PAIN

    Al Gore wants to be President so bad he can taste it. It is up to you deny him this ultimate triumph, and make him pay for his attack on our rights. Only by voting for Bush can you make Al Gore suffer. A vote for any one else will be a wasted opportunity to ruin Al Gore's life. Remeber that oily...
  2. P

    Gore must not win.

    Some of you may think that George W. Bush is a spolied- brat, empty suit. And that he is soft on RKBA. None of that matters now. The most important thing is to keep Al Gore out of the White House. If you thought 8 years of Clinton was bad, wait until that psychotic, delusion, lying Al Gore gets...
  3. P

    Dealing with gun grabbers

    I propose that all gun owners flood anti-gun politicians with letters, e-mails and phone calls to the offices. The idea is NOT to change their votes, but rather to gum up their bureaucracy with nonsense just like they are trying to do us. There is no need to even metion guns, just cover them in...