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  1. G

    Electronic Scales

    What do you guys think about those electronic scales. I have heard that they are the best thing since sliced bread and i have also heard unless you buy one for around 1,000 dollars they are crap?? HELP! I am a college student who wants to get into reloading handgun shells this summer, my dad...
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    cops and heroin

    I am not sure where to put this topic so i am going to start with it here and then if it needs to be moved then so be it. I am doing a paper on Heroin and criminal justice i was wondering if any cops out there had any first hand experience dealing with heroin. I am looking for a catchy story...
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    cops and heroin

    I am not sure where to put this topic so i am going to start with it here and then if it needs to be moved then so be it. I am doing a paper on Heroin and criminal justice i was wondering if any cops out there had any first hand experience dealing with heroin. I am looking for a catchy story...
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    i have been studying, reading articles, and watching shows on "smart guns," "personalized guns" or what ever you want to call them. but frankly it pisses me off!! This is just one more step to bend us over and stick the 2nd ammendment up our asses!! This thread comes up bc, the GOV. of...
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    i have been studying, reading articles, and watching shows on "smart guns," "personalized guns" or what ever you want to call them. but frankly it pisses me off!! This is just one more step to bend us over and stick the 2nd ammendment up our asses!! This thread comes up bc, the GOV. of...
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    Glock 17 and Limp Wrists

    My buddy just bought a G17 but he was having problems with the casings fully ejecting out. We have noticed that the problem is that he has limp/weak wrists. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about what he could do. Like myself he is a criminal justice major and shooting and hand...
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    Hand gun safe

    I am looking for a decent hand gun safe for around 200 dollars can any one help me out. i have seen one that has buttons on top that represent each of your 5 fingers and you touch little buttons to open the safe. this looked unique. Any suggestions? thanks ps it has to hold 2 firearms...
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    one handed reloads

    I was wondering what one handed reloads were. I am in criminal Justice at college but that is one thing they have not taught us yet. thanks mike ------------------ when the govenment comes for you weapons, give them the ammo first. AOL IM name: heathersman40
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    Explain picture

    I have been shooting for around a year, and would like to learn how to score. could you look at these pics and tell me how i can score my own groups thanks ------------------ when the govenment comes for you weapons, give them the ammo first...
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    Explain this pic to me please

    I have been shooting for about a year now and i would like to know how to score different patterns. Here are some patterns i found in a gun mag. could you guys just tell me how they get the inches and what not. thanks ------------------...
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    The "F" in Beretta 92FS???

    I understand that the S stands for stainless but was wondering what the F stands for. thanks ------------------ when the govenment comes for you weapons, give them the ammo first
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    Beretta Tomcat 10rd mag

    I was wondering if the 10rd mag for the beretta Tomcat sticks out the bottom or is it flush?? I saw one of these mags in a beretta magazine. Just wondering thanks mike ------------------ when the govenment comes for you weapons, give them the ammo first
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    Ankle holster or body band

    I have a dilema facing me at this moment. I have a glock 27 and a berreta tomcat, i have recieved my CC permit and am wondering what kind of CCW holster to get. The tomcat would go on my ankle and the G27 would be in the body band. I could use any suggestions or experiences you have. thanks...
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    How many of you own a Glock??

    Out of curiosity, i am wondering how many people out there own Glocks and what models. I personally have a G27. ------------------ when the govenment comes for you weapons, give them the ammo first
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    CC Ammo for .40 cal

    I am looking for Conceal carry ammo in a .40 caliber. I am currently using Hydra-Shok but am concidering Custom Hornday. I am looking for maximum penetration, and maximum expansion once inside. Any sugguestions or comments on what you guys carry or like would be greatly appreciated...
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    Spouses and Pieces

    I am thinking about getting my Signifigant other a Handgun for CCW but I am not sure what to get her. Can some of you tell me what your spouses are carrying? ------------------ when the govenment comes for you weapons, give them the ammo first
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    Beretta Tomcat Concerns

    I have recently bought a Beretta Tomcat and heard many stories about how the barrel flies up and the slide rams into it after about 200-300 shots? Does anyone have a story about this happening or reason why it could be happening? I am a little concerend about it right now. thanks...
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    Fobus Tactical Holsters

    I have a Fobus Holster for my GLock 27 but it has VERY HIGH RETENTION. I almost have to use 2 hands to get it out. Does any one else have this problem and if so are there any solutions? ------------------ when the govenment comes for you weapons, give them the ammo first
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    does the benelli nova have any problems?

    I have jsut heard that the benelli nova is having some problems i was wondering if anyone could tell me what they have heard thank you