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  1. N

    interesting article

    very good article IMHO. here is the link.;_ylt=ApCfNMFj5EQpmNCMKF6zwukDW7oF;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl I especially like this part. thoughts, feelings?
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    Disarming the police.... (merged)

    By RAY HENRY, Associated Press Writer 57 minutes ago PROVIDENCE, R.I. - An old police tradition of requiring off-duty officers to carry their weapons — "always armed, always on duty" — is being scaled back in police departments nationwide, increasingly being blamed for the deaths of...
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    not sure what to call this

    first off sorry for not putting in any text along with the quotes in the ann coulter thread, I had to erase stuff for it fit and deleted my text because of it. powderman: well I certainly type what my beliefs are in this forum because first it would take too much time and space, and second its...
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    ann coulter

    If Giuliani wants to have a national ambition, and I’m a big fan of his, he’s going to have to become pro-life if he wants to run for president. No one ever believed he was pro-choice anyway - he’s a Catholic from Queens," she says, adding, “Americans understand that Manhattan is the Soviet...
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    nazi germany/or denver colorado?

    DEB DAVIS LIKES to commute to work by public bus. She uses the time to read, crochet or pay bills. It's her quiet time. What with the high price of gas, she saves money, too: a week's worth of gas money gets her a month's worth of bus rides The bus she rides crosses the property of the Denver...
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    quick its an emergency, call mike brown....?!!!???

    Former FEMA Director Michael Brown, heavily criticized for his agency's slow response to Hurricane Katrina, is starting a disaster preparedness consulting firm to help clients avoid the sort of errors that cost him his job. "If I can help people focus on preparedness, how to be better prepared...
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    didnt we have a thread like this?

    "One might also argue," Vice President Cheney said in a speech on Monday, "that untruthful charges against the commander in chief have an insidious effect on the war effort." That would certainly be an ugly and demagogic argument, were one to make it. After all, if untruthful charges against the...
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    use your imagination

    Do some of you really believe that if kerry would of won the election, he would of immediately sought to outlaw guns? again this is asking for your opinion(no matter how bad of an idea it seems like). Just answer honestly and keep it on topic.
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    reasons clintons presidency was so bad

    everytime I read a thread, or make a comment on bush i seem to get the same reply along these lines. "clinton sucks", "at least hes not as bad as clinton", you know or some other stupid statement with clintons name in it. please educate me on the things he did wrong for my own knowledge. you...
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    I am curious as too why most people in this forum seem to lean more towards the conservitive side. I only visit two forums on the internet(a gun forum and a car forum) and they both seem to contain a majority of people with conservative views. are the reasons for this just the gun stance, or...
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    hi, thought i would introduce myself since i kinda been lurking for a couple days. im mostly just here to read stuff, learn, and lurk. I will probably post if i can help someone out or something peaks my interest. mostly just wanna hear what other people in the shooting world think about...