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  1. M

    In their own words

    I was perusing gun control articles in the New York Times and ran across two articles in particular that gave me serious pause. The first one was written by Adam Eisgrau...
  2. M

    Power at any cost?

    I found this quote on another thread and felt compelled to repeat it due to the impact it had on me. Women will drive this issue when they ask the politicians, ''Tell me exactly how you expect me to defend my children against violent predators? If gun control is so wonderful, how come more...
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    I'm not responsible!

    Has every action of human activity become someone elses fault? Is there no action attributable left to an individual's personal responsibility? Most responsible firearm owners know that 99.9% of accidental discharges are actually negligent discharges! Most auto accidents are actually acts of...
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    Indoor Range in Raleigh, NC

    I am looking for an indoor range in Raleigh to teach a friend about firearms and home defense. The Yellow Pages list a few, but I am looking for TFL personal experiences.
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    2008 President??

    Our prelimary choices for our next president does not bode well for our type. We are (according to membership numbers) 30k+! and this is just one pro 2A site! If we could field one candidate based on 2A beliefs with an open mind on other issues and each of us recruit another in our cause, we...
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    I realize that this is a republic, not a democracy, but how did things get so out of hand from what our founding fathers envisioned? How did campaign contributions over-ride community voice? How did the IRS become so powerful? How did basic human rights become priveledges? How did "all men are...
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    Gift for parents?

    Both my mom and dad have their CHP but don't regularly carry their S&W Model 60 because of the weight and "inconvience" and the very "safe" area we live in. I actually saw my first Kel Tec P3AT in real life and was amazed at the small size! I feel that with it being so small and light that...
  8. M

    .40SW 135JHP vs 165FMJ?

    I've got boxes of both, both feed well. Should I use one or the other for main carry, mix them, or what? Right now I've got 135JHP in chamber, alternating with 165FMJ, last one being JHP. I've read a lot of posts about mixing rounds and posts about JHP vs FMJ. BTW, the FMJ are truncated, and...