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    Wild Alaska

    I've been out of pocket for a little while, noticed Wild Alaska hasn't posted much. Is he still around?
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    Charles Daly 1911

    Unfortunately, I bought one the other day. I HATE it, piece of junk as far as I'm concerned. Jams almost every shot (will not extract the spent round for some reason) I have to remove the magazine and pull the slide back, then re-insert...ugh...too much trouble. I should have known better when...
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    New purchases

    I am planning to purchase a Beowulf and a Thompson (Tommygun). No particular reason except they are cool and I want one. Anyone have experience good or bad they would be willing to share? I have never fired the Beowulf, but my B-I-L has a Tommy and I LOVE playing with it!
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    This morning it happened

    I was on my way to work around 6am. It was a little foggy, not too bad, but today for whatever reason I decided to go a different way that I seldom drive. This route is on a gravel road, and I thought I knew it like the back of my hand. There is a hairpin turn (about 110 degrees) that I THOUGHT...
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    How many forum members does it take to change a lightbulb?

    1 to change the light bulb and 1 to post that the light bulb has been changed 14 to share similar experiences of changing light bulbs and how the light bulb could have been changed differently 7 to caution about the dangers of changing light bulbs 5 to point out spelling/grammar errors in...
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    I LOVE my state! Broadcast tonight said the DA is NOT seeking charges, but it will go to GJ.
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    Star Bm

    Ever had one? What's your opinion?
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    Help me pick my next toy

    I'm in the market for an AR, please help me decide which one....
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    Boy is THIS gonna sound stupid!

    I'm "dressing up" a single shot 12ga I have, just for fun. I really like the tactical look it now has, but I want to shorten it. How short can I legally take it, and where can I look to back up that info? Thanks in advance for any comments.