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  1. E

    Christmas in July!!! New Gun in the Mail

    OOOooooh, this is an interesting feeling. About 10 minutes ago, I wake up to the doorbell. I answer it, it's the UPS guy, bearing gifts. I sign for everything, he goes on his way. I go sit down, and do what any self-respecting adult does with a box labeled "Replacement for Serial...
  2. E

    S&W Model 620, what to "look for"?

    Greetings to all after a long hiatus. Anyhow--this coming monday, throught a strange turn of events, I'm getting a brand-spankin' new, from-the-factory-new Smith model 620 in the mail. Since I've been gone, I dont' know if this has been hashed over once or a billion times, but other than...
  3. E

    "Cheap" Levergun?

    I'm just curious--are there any leverguns which shoot "cheap" (i.e. not $15 a box) ammo, and are they any good? I'm thinking about looking for a lever, but compared to the stuff I'm used to shooting (surplus, Wolf), 30-30 seems kinda expensive. So, is there a different ammo that's a better...
  4. E

    Ultimate HD rifle??

    Due to the numerous "THIS vs THAT" threads that have popped up (many featuring the SKS, M1 Carbine, et al), and how everyone keeps complaining "the M1 Carbine's round is pathetic", "it has no penetration", "only good at short distances", etc--would it not be too far out of line to say that an M1...
  5. E

    Help for a beginner?

    Greetings to all. Anyhow, recently I have toyed with the notion in my brain of starting to reload ammo (mainly because I enjoy saving precious pennies' worth of ammo, and so I won't blow apart my Spanish Mauser). This has probably been hashed out until everyone's eyes have bled from looking at...
  6. E

    Varied purchase opinions.....

    I know, I just put up a similar thread a few days ago, but this one is different. Due to some investments, in around a week and a half, I may have some surplus cash--either about $120 (in which case I know what I'm getting, for everyone who responded to my other thread ;) ), or close to $500...
  7. E

    Looking to buy a milsurp....

    ....specifically, I'm thinking along the lines of an M1891/30. There's a shop down the road that is selling them for $119 a pop, but they each have a sling, bayonet, and some little pack thing that comes on them. Different kinda of wood stocks, so I would have a pick of them. However, there...
  8. E

    BP revolver + hunting?

    Just out of curiosity--if I wanted to hunt during the black powder season with my .36 remington, would I need to know/do anything special, or would it just be a bizarre handgunner in the woods?
  9. E

    CZ 527 question

    Today, I got to handle a 527 FS....and I'm in love. However, after researching other 527's, I've seen that there's one in 7.62x39, but not a Mannichlier style stock. Is there a way to buy the 527 Carbine in 7.62x39 and convert it to a full-stock? My reason for asking is simple--I like the...
  10. E

    Assistance for a newbie?

    Greetings to all. Recently, I acquired a Remington 1858 .36 cal BP revolver. I currently have nothing for it (but will probably remedy that with a Cabela's starting kit and some .36 wads sometime shortly). Other than that, I know basically nothing about how to load it (ordering of wads/other...
  11. E

    N.O.-style SHTF weapon choice

    I'm not meaning to start this as some kinda insensitive hotbed, but, here goes: If a N.O. kind of thing happend in your town, what rifle/weapons would you choose to carry, from what you currently own? This is assuming that your house/storage location of your arms isn't swamped or looted before...