Search results

  1. R

    .30-06 vs .45-70 Poll

    There is a deer exactly one hundred yards from where you are standing. There isn't anythin to block your shot, not a tree, a rock, or a blade of grass. However, if the deer moves a few yards in any direction he is gone. In other words, you will have to make a quick shot. This deer is the...
  2. R

    Useless Wants

    Is there any gun and/or cartridge combination that you really want and know you don't have need for? You just want it. A few years ago a friend of mine bought a rifle chambered in .375 H&H magnum. He has no plans to go to Africa or even Alaska. Heck, he barely hunts at all. He had always wanted...
  3. R

    The Other Number

    We look at many numbers when reloading. Grains of powder, bullet weight, and ballistic coefficient, etc. One number that doesn't seem to get as much attention is sectional density. Is it important or not? I looked at three bullets of one hundred grains each in three different calibers. The SD...
  4. R

    Coyote Capable?

    Would you consider the .380ACP cartridge capable of taking a coyote cleanly? I realize the range will have to be short and bullet placement precise, but if that is done, how effective would it be? In my desert exploration adventures I sometimes carry a pistol in this round. Coyotes are probably...
  5. R

    Purchase Plans

    A good friend of mine has a ton of guns, way more then me. I don't think any of his guns were impulse purchases. In fact, his research leading to a firearm purchase would make a biochemist proud. He starts off with a real need. Lets say he draws an antelope tag and none of his rifles are...
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    New Year's Resolutions

    One more holiday is just around the corner, New Year's Day. It is also the time people promise to make changes in their lives: stop smoking, eat better, be nicer to others, etc. I want to start this thread to see if anyone is going to make any resolutions related to hunting and/or shooting. Is...
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    Unusual Varmint Shots

    What is the most unusual cartridge and/or gun you have used to shoot at varmints? I want to know if anyone has blasted a buny with a Garand. Or fired a Sharps at a squirrel. Anything that seems out of place in the world of vermin destruction.
  8. R

    Storage System

    How are your guns stored. I don't mean weather you put them in a safe, a cabinet, or in a closet, I am talking about the way they are placed. Do you keep all your shotguns in one place, bolt action rifles in another and so on? Do you keep your revolvers and pistols seperate? Or are your guns...
  9. R

    Higher Standard

    I was at a gun store today. I was looking at their used handguns. I saw several Hi Standard .22 Pistols. They always catch my attention, I have one. It is one of my favorite plinking guns. Then I saw one that was a little different. The sales tag on it said .380ACP for caliber. The salesperson...
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    Mini versus Derringer

    There are several threads here about those ultra small rimfire revolvers. Most of us can agree that they are not the best, first choice defensive weapon. But they are small and easy to hide. I suppose it is better then a prayer. There are also smal two shot derringers on the market. They even...
  11. R

    Odd Data?

    I was looking up some loads on Hodgdon's website. I am going to reload some .32 S&W longs using Trail Boss. Here is what I found. Using a Hornday 90 grain lead semi-wad cutter, the loads go from 1.5 to 2.9 grains with velocities from 599 to 730 feet per second. I decided to also look at the...
  12. R

    Tag...You're It!

    What is the big game tag situation like in your state? I realize I could "Google" all fifty states and browse fifty sets of game regulations, but that would be boring and time consuming. This is quicker. I want to know how easy it is to get big game tags in your neck of the woods. Are they...
  13. R

    Case Strength?

    This is an off-shoot of another, current thread. It has to do with case strength. I know that is sometimes the limiting factor in reloading. If the case fails, other thing might fail to, the gun and parts of a shooter's anatomy. Reloading manuals even warn about this, espically for some older...
  14. R

    Beretta 92F Hunting?

    Has anyone here done hunting any hunting with a Beretta 9mm? I know it is not a big game set up. But, for small game and vermon it should suffice. I guess I wonder if the gun is accurate enough.
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    Illogical Information

    I was going through one of my older reloading manuals. In the description for the .280 Remington cartridge it mentions that it is more then adequate for elk. It even suggests using a 160 grain bullet. A few pages later there is the .308 Winchester section. It says that this round is only...
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    Sad, Sad Situation

    I was driving to work this morning when I spotted a deer laying on the side of the road. She was over on the far shoulder. At first I thought she was a road casualty. In that area it is quite common. Then with a second glance I though I saw her move. I turned my vehicle around and pulled up to...
  17. R

    Clay or Feathers?

    What do you think is harder to hit with a shotgun, clay targets or feathered targets? Is it possible to be good at one and not so good at the other?
  18. R

    Santa's Surprise

    What would be the ultimate gun related present that you could find under the Christmas tree? Have you ever been surprised by some special shooting related Christmas present? When I was 15, my parents surprised me with a .30-30 Marlin. That was my ultimate Christmas present. Finding a Perazzi...
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    Holiday Traditions

    I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving. I hope the rest of your holidays go well. What hunting/shooting/eating holiday traditions to you have? I go hunting every Thanksgiving and Christmas morning. If any small game is harvested, it is included in the holiday meal. A bunch of us go plinking...
  20. R

    Which Weapon?

    I enjoy watching World War Two flicks. I particulary like seeing all the different battle guns used back then. Two in particular come to mind, the Tommy Gun and the M-1 Carbine. I know that these were not front line issue firearms. But I suppose they served their purposes. I was wondering...