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  1. J

    Using a large mylar mirror for training

    This just popped in to the noodle the other day while doing my normal youtube binge. In an effort to add some realism to a training scenario, what if a large mylar mirror was hauled out to a suitable distance (?) and used to reflect a scene so that you could have live targets safely engaging...
  2. J

    Found a shotgun on the side of the road today, what do?

    Hey folks, Found a beat up pump gun with a slug barrel on it sitting in a case in the middle of the road today (getting run over by cars actually). It's still in good shape and my main objective is to get it back to the owner. I almost threw it in the ditch out of sight of passing traffic...
  3. J

    CNN story on Jiverly Wong 'fir[ing] 98 shots in about a minute'

    Making sure he gets every one of his 15 minutes of fame I don't know if the headline was a real figure or not though, because the actual quote in the article was: They also mention that he was wearing body armor, which NY state only...
  4. J

    National 'Get out and shoot' day?

    Beautiful day in Ohio today, and on the short trip from my car to the house, I heard folks out shooting from two different directions. It occurred to me that it might be cool to have a 'National Get out and Shoot' day where we can collectively fill the air with a little support for the 2nd...
  5. J

    Best loading bench surface?

    Hey folks, I'm putting together some plans for a loading bench and am wondering if anyone has a suggestion for the surface itself. I'm thinking of using MDF for the top because of its density and stability, but i don't think i just want bare MDF for the suface. Seems that any powder spills...
  6. J

    Dealing with parallax

    Hi all, I've had a cheap little (edit) Simmons variable scope on my 22HMR (another edit: .22WMR) for about a year. I had been running it a 5x for a while, but decided to zero it in at 9x yesterday just to see how it ran. At 50 yards it seemed to do pretty well, but it was the first time i...
  7. J

    trying to find old story about veteran hunter shooting four deer on the run

    There was a story i read about two years ago about some guys dad going deer hunting for the first time after he returned from Vietnam. I think he was using a Mosin-Nagant, and hit 4 deer, one standing and three on the run (or something like that). I thought my google chops were strong, but...
  8. J

    The Dissident Frogman educates the AFP (vid)

    Just saw this over at liveleak and thought a few folks here would appreciate it. (A little informal training session on cartridges vs. bullets) Here's the source: Hope it's not a repost, haven't been here...
  9. J

    "The Impact of Killing" - re: soldiers but relevant for everyone

    Pretty good article, especially sections that talk about the physiological response to fear and having to pull the trigger.
  10. J

    Any alternative magazine designs for an autoloader?

    Hi All, I hope this is the right forum. It seems to me that the 'stack of cartridges pushed by a spring-loaded follower' design for magainzes, while ubiquitous, requires a fairly sensitive balancing act between friction/spring rate/feed angle and recoil spring/bolt momentum/etc. It's hard to...
  11. J

    Need some feedback on a DIY target rig...

    Hey all! Just looking for some feedback... I'm thinking of building a system to practice follow-up shots against moving targets. The basic design starts out like a standard plate rack. Behind (or possibly below) each plate is a second plate that is attached to a vertical rail. When you hit...
  12. J

    point to ponder for the warning shot crowd...

    I haven't really been watching this at all, but this is a fairly high profile case because it's related to the death of rapper Proof. The shots that killed Proof were found to have been made legally in self defense of another no...
  13. J

    Made in Iraq

    Most folks reading this are going to be at some kind of desk. Right now, sitting where you are, pick up everything within arms reach and see where it's made. In my case: - Pair of 'It's Academic' scissors: Made in China - Small surge protector: Made in China - Buck knife: Made in USA - Sony...
  14. J

    Troops to test liquid armor.

    Since I seem to be posting links to articles, I thought this was good news: (,,2087-2340507,00.html) Missed opportunity award goes to the folks that gave it an acronym. SHear Thickening Fluid = STF soooooo close...
  15. J

    Field and Stream Best of 2006

    They put up an article outlining their picks for top 50 outdoor/hunting products for 2006. Short blurbs, but a nice list to start with if you're on the lookout for something new. From the article: The 43 is in reference to new stuff, there is a 'hall of fame' at the end to round out the 50.
  16. J

    rounds vs. shots per minute?

    Hey, I was poking around general dynamics site and noticed that when they talk about single barreled weapons, they say 'rounds per minute', but the rate of fire for every multi-barreled, Gatling-style gun was distinctly labeled 'shots per minute'. Why the distinction? Ooh ooh! I know, while...
  17. J

    2nd amendment alternative...

    Japanese training video for self-protection.
  18. J

    uhoh moment

    This is probably pointless, so only read it if you have nothing else to do. It's 5am yesterday morning, and we're packing our stuff for the 14 hour drive home from a week vacation in North Carolina. We rented a small condo on the third floor of a building...i'm going back and forth up and...
  19. J

    Better body armor through chemistry

    Pretty cool writeup on some interesting new technology: Basically it is a liquid that 'stiffens up' under shock, but remains flexible otherwise...when mixed with kevlar or other material it makes it much less...
  20. J

    Pretty good Knob Creek night shoot video

    I have seen a few others, this doesn't look familiar... The sound is great, can't imagine what it's like in person.