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  1. F

    Klintonians trash White House - leave behind Porn, trash, vandalized equipment

    XXXXX DRUDGE REPORT XXXXX WED JAN 24, 2001 18:51 ET XXXXX WHITE HOUSE OFFICES LEFT 'TRASHED': PORN BOMBS, LEWD MESSAGES; LEGAL PROBE CONSIDERED **Exclusive Details** The Bush Administration has quietly launched an investigation into apparent acts of vandalism and destruction of federal...
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    FBI Report Finds Maryland Leads in Robberies U.S. MCDL: FBI Report Finds Maryland Leads in Robberies U.S. Newswire 16 Jan 8:20 FBI Uniform Crime Reports Show Maryland With Highest Robbery Rate in Nation Says MCDL To: National Desk Contact: Wayne Ericksen, 410-964-7928,
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    Gun Lock turn in - chance to win a new firearm!

    Note - we collected dozens and dozens of locks. We are still accepting locks. Just mail to the address in the article, and we'll send you your raffle tickets.
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    Al Gore - Pres. of Senate - certifies ALL the votes! <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Al Gore and Constitution ------------------------ © 2000 Ever since I saw Al Gore give that uncharacteristically statesman-like...
  5. F

    Is gun control an issue you are willing to die for?

    except from: I suggest now is the time for all of us to start telling our gun control friends that this is an issue we will not compromise on any more. Here is what I have started to do. I do not argue with my...
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    Come and Get'em

    Come and Get’em I spent my Mother’s Day down in DC, participating in the Second Amendment Sister’s pro-2nd Amendment Rally. It was a truly inspirational event. While there, I realized that the gun debate is a hopelessly polarized issue. Our pro-gun side has the facts and the stats on...
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    SAS Pics (MMM counter demonstration)
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    Trijicon Reflex and Reflex II, BSA Contender 6-24x 50mm Reviews

    Trijicon Reflex and Reflex II Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight BSA Contender 6-24x 50mm PaulB NRA, GOA, LEAA, MDCL, C.A.N. Fight 4 Your Rights Homepage [This message has been edited by fight4yourrights (edited May 08, 2000).]