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  1. G

    The Glock Did It,2933,408781,00.html I'm not a Glock fan. But how in the blue duce do you figure out that the murder weapon was a Glock .40? A .40 caliber? O.K. A .40 caliber from a Glock? You gotta show a few more cards before you can convince me of that. Opinions anyone...
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    .325 Wsm

    I gotta buddy that's got an interest in the 325 WSM. HOWEVER.... before shucking out several hundred dollars on a new rifle, he'd kinda like to shoot one first. So, here's the question: Is there anyone in the West Michigan area that would be willing to let him put a couple rounds through...
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    To reload or not to reload; That is the question.

    I just picked up my first Swiss rifle a few weeks ago (K-31). Ammo isn't exactly cheap (I paid $56 for 120 rounds of that Swiss surplus stuff at the show) and neither is brass for reloading. The only new brass I can find in from Norma. Midway carries the Swiss surplus. Wolf makes a round...
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    AK-47 Question

    Who makes the best AK-47. (Reliability, performance, price)
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    .240 Weatherby

    Anyone ever shot a 240 Weatherby? How did it handle? Any problems?
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    Ruger P345

    I'm considering my first auto and am leaning heavily on the P345. Anyone have any opinions and experiences (good or bad) they want to share?
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    Taurus 500 Mag

    I've heard that Taurus in going to chamber the .500 Mag in their Raging Bull Frame. Anyone heard anything about this?
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    Glock or XD (Not trying to start a war)

    I was considering a used Glock in .40cal. The guy behind the counter showed me one and mentioned that "Glocks are great, but I like my XD better". I held and field stripped both. I like the feel of the XD better and it cost less than the Glock. The new XD was about $100 cheaper than the used...
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    Opinions on a Glock

    I am considering joining my local Sheriff's Dept as a reserve officer. To the best of my knowledge, they carry Glocks. Anyone have any opinions (stupid question, I know) on the Glock 22 (I think) in 40cal?
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    If You Were Only Allowed One Handgun...

    If you were only allowed one handgun, what would it be?
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    For the CZ fans

    What's your favorite gun? (I saw the "Best 9mm poll" and had pitty of you)
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    Why the 9mm, CZ, HK, autoloaders in general?

    Let me start by saying that I am not an autoloader fan. I like wheelguns and nothing chambered lighter than a 38 spl. Now to the actual questions: 1. What is it about the 9mm that you people love so much? I don't see what the 9mm can do that a 357mag doesn't do better. 2. For the CZ...
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    500 S&W Magnum

    What kind of scope would you put on a 500 Magnum and why?
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    41 Magnum

    What do you think of the .41 Mag. Shooting Impressions, accuracy? I'm a nutcase for oddball calibers.
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    .480 Ruger

    I'm considering a Ruger Super Blackhawk in .480 Ruger. Anyone have any opinions? (I know, stupid question) I'm looking for shooting impressions, and no, not the one left in your hand after firing one.
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    P. Sauer & Sohn Mauser

    I am restoring a Mauser for my wife's uncle. He said it was a German mauser, but the stamping says "P. Sauer & Sohn Suhl 1916" I am looking for any information in can get on this rifle. Thank you. Garand Guy.