Search results

  1. I

    My GP-100

    I bought this gun new in 2005 for $389 at Sportsmen's Warehouse. I spent countless evenings training myself in handgun safety and handling using this gun. Plus about a bazillion dry-fires in attempt to master the double-action trigger. It is a 4" blue model. At first, I fired factory .38s to...
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    What's with the long trigger on CZs?

    Late last year, I shot a CZ P-01 at a show and absolutely loved it in every respect, except one. The double-action trigger position is so far forward that I could barely pull the trigger. I like the DA/SA design with decocker only, but I need to be able to pull the trigger on the first shot...
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    One long gun, what should I get?

    After two years of shooting handguns, I'm thinking my next gun should be a long gun. I don't hunt, and probably won't start at the age of 37 and living in a city, with no friends who hunt. If any of my friends actually shoot guns, it's because I showed them how, sad to say. I want a long gun to...
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    642 more accurate than SP-101

    Last weekend, I did some tests with my revolvers and arrived at the conclusion that my S&W 642 is simply a more accurate gun than my SP-101. Both are double-action-only. The Smith has a shorter barrel, heavier trigger, smaller grips, weighs less, and causes pain with each firing of any +P...
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    Creative places you've stashed a handgun

    Now, I don't expect anyone to give out their secrets, but this is a more-or-less anonymous forum and I'm looking for ideas. Where have you stashed a handgun in your home or car that you feel is an especially clever stashing place? All of our guns, except the one I'm carrying, are stashed in...
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    Firestorm 22

    So, I bought this wonderfully ergonomic, good-looking, and compact .22 a few weeks ago and have been attempting to prove that it is a reliable weapon. Turns out this is a monumental task. With bulk ammo, this gun will jam after round #1, jam again after round #2, and sometimes jam again after...
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    Firestorm 22

    I purchased a Firestorm 22 this weekend, and it feels like an awesome gun. The ergonomics are perfect, except for the position of the magazine release. The grips are great, the sights are great, and the size and weight are nice. I'm thinking this would be a decent backup piece for CCW, or an...
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    Sig 239!

    I rented a Sig Sauer 239 in 9mm at the range last week and was blown away! I ran the target out to 10 yards, got my sight picture, pulled the trigger and, Oh my gosh! One 9mm hole dead center in the bulls-eye! So I packed up my stuff and left the range.........can't beat a perfect day at the...
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    Info. on S&W 10-5

    Hi folks, I picked up my new (old) S&W 10-5 from the FFL after work and spent the last couple hours cleaning and polishing. I wanted a dedicated .38 special, and also to experience first-hand what all the fuss was about in regard to old Smiths, so I decided to place a bid on Auction Arms for a...
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    Failure to eject 22/45

    I've got a Ruger 22/45 pistol that serves both as a warmup gun for my wife and I on the range, as well as an first shooting experience, for when I introduce my non-gun friends to shooting. I like this gun OK and am basically satisfied with it, because it serves its purpose--it was cheap...
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    What's wrong with smart guns?

    I prefer to rely on my own common sense and training to maintain gun safety, and would rather have fewer controls/locks/safeties instead of more. This "smart gun" idea, I know, is just another attempt to make guns less usable and more expensive for people who have accepted the responsibility of...
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    Dry-firing vs. 22LR at the range

    I am very new to shooting. However, I do have a little bit of experience, and I want to buy a revolver (or a few) and become familiar with handling, maintaining, and shooting them. In particular, I am pondering a dual-purchase of a .22 revolver as a training piece, to go along with a .357/.38...