Search results

  1. S

    Ohio's Patriot Act

    Does anyone know any details on this? The story is limited in actual detail and makes it appear that the police in Ohio can now randomly ask for ID? I would really like some more information.
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    Maintaining M-4...questions

    I have been designated as our teem armorer. About a year and a half ago we obtained(by trading in our old AR's) 4 M-4's, 2 commandos and we already had 2 MP40's. We also carry G22's. I am already a Glock armorer. I am looking for maintenance schedules, tips etc...for the M-4/Commando weapons. I...
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    Stupid comment and my appology

    I made a comment in a thread today that could have been and most likely was offensive to any number of people. The comment was not meant as a racial slur, but most certainly could be interpreted that way. I am sorry to all for my poor choice of words and if allowed to stay on the board I will...
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    Last night my partner and I got sent on a criminal misch. complaint where an inflatable pool had been slashed and a neighbor was out chasing the suspect on foot. As we were arriving we could see the complainant on the sidewalk waving us over. As we went past a cross street there was a car...
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    FATS training

    I am looking for some information on FATS training from anyone here who may use it at their agency. Our indoor range is being shut down by OSHA and needs some serious work. It has been suggested that if the repairs are over the top that we ditch our indoor range and put a FATS system in. We...
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    Home burglaries

    Just a random wish... We have been having a rash of night time burglaries in one specific area for the past few months. The thing that kinda strikes me is that not one of the several homeowners who has been startled awake by an intruder in the middle of the night has had a weapon of any sort...