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  1. C

    Prescription Handgun for the Elderly/Disabled

    I'm actually not making this up. I thought it was a joke at first but it seems to check out. prescription-handguns-for-the-elderly-and-disabled Naturally the whole 'subsidizing' of anything bothers me...
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    Aimsurplus new "2 gun max" policy

    After placing an order for about a half dozen AR receivers from aimsurplus 2 days ago, I received a call from one of the sales people asking me if they were "all for me" or not. They actually weren't, but since I don't see how thats his concern I had to ask why. Apparently they have a new '2...
  3. C

    Rust is killing my guns!

    Hi Guys, I live in NM where for cooling we use evaporative coolers. Basically since its so dry here, we humidify the house to cool it down. It tends to work ok as long as its not humid outside, but at the expense of really increasing the tendency for things to rust. I've filled my safe with...
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    Remington Model 710 .270 win

    So I picked up a Remington Model 710 in .270 winchester this weekend at a gun show. The bolt felt a little stiff but with only a 60 degree throw I figured I could live with it. I know this is kind of a "value" "cheap" "low-end" model, but I got the price down to $300 new plus some other...
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    .223 Suppressor + good .22LR performace

    I'm getting ready to *hopefully* purchase my first can. Just doing some research first. I would like something that works great on .223 (AR) but would also be adequate for some .22 LR as well. Probably only on my 10/22 with GM Barrel but perhaps on some pistols as well. Any ideas?
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    new RRA Varmint!

    Well just got my first AR today. Been waiting for this bad boy for over 2 months! Haven't had time to take her to the range yet but I have a feeling she'll do alright once its time to punch some paper. Also picked up one of those "RPKs" J&G Sales sells for $500, it feels pretty good too...
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    Who won the Debate?

    Who do you guys think won the Republican Presidential Debate tonight?
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    WWII- what weapon would you choose?

    Its WWII, for some reason the Army is letting you choose what weapon to carry throughout your tour... You're unclear at this point what, if any type of combat you will actually be seeing, so you really don't know what weapon would best suit your particular role in the war. What do you choose...
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    Craigslist Bans Guns (And Scopes)?!

    So apparently I can no longer post a firearm sale on (or anything firearms related). Anyone know when this started? In the past I've sold, bought, and traded firearms on craigslist without a problem. (It was a really GREAT place to find scopes too). Anyone else as bummed about...
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    NM NFA Carry Law

    So there is a bill before the NM legislature that is apparently aiming on banning the concealed carry of NFA firearms, which I guess could be construed as OK, but if that is the intention there is a slight problem I noticed...
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    legality of spotlighting in NM?

    So many years ago when I was but a wee lad I did my fair share of spotlighting rabbits and what not, and naturally whether or not it was legal was not a big concern for me at the time. However I no longer feel that way about things (and haven't for a long time) and I was wondering if any of...
  12. C

    Opportunity to purchase an 1894

    So I was at the range yesterday and my buddy showed up with an old 1894, I don't know how old but its definately been around for awhile. Here's the thing, I've been kickin myself for not pickin one up when they were in the $300 range at wally-world just a couple years ago, and I've been...
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    madman discharges shotgun at my apt complex

    So its around 7pm, yesterday evening. I've just returned from the University and I'm currently waiting for my buddy to show up. We've got a big test to study for. I'm chatting with the apartment manager in my apartment when we hear some odd noises. We step outside and there's some kind of...
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    one more Tannerite thread...

    Okay, once and for all... what are the legalities of owning/mixing/detonating tannerite? Yes I know its "legal to own in all 50 states" but what about when its mixed together and its activated? I've read that its okay as long as its detonated on site where its mixed.. ie - don't drive around...
  15. C

    Home Alarm that dispenses CS gas?

    So I'm moving away from my nice big secure home to a small dinky apartment with perhaps "questionable" people living around me. I've found cheap battery powered acoustic or motion activated home alarms that could potentially scare away any intruders while I'm not home... however I'm hoping I...
  16. C

    Good Prairie Dog hunting in NM?

    Anyone know of some good prairie dog locations around Albuquerque (or all of New Mexico for that matter)? I've found some dogs out towards Mt.Taylor and scattered amounts SW of Albuquerque but normally I only run into them in the middle of a town somewhere (unfortunatley no good to shoot in the...
  17. C

    M1A plastic upper handguard?

    So as all of us, I want an M1A. I'd prefer an actual M14 but an M1A will do. :D I suppose it'd be un-american not to want one. :p But what is with the dinky plastic upper handguard/barrel shroud on all the new ones? Have they always been that way and I've just missed it for all these...
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    What to do if you catch car crook?

    For the past 4 years I have watched while my town has become a haven for criminals and criminal activity. For 4 years I have watched while the police do less and less to protect the innocent, and do more and more to encourage us not to protect ourselves at the same time. I had to move to a...
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    The Yellow Mosin-Nagant

    AKA the "fusil del amarillo" I originally began sanding the terible looking stock down in order to refinish it and make is somewhat smooth and good looking. But in my haste I decided to paint it yellow. I was surprised to see it came out looking so good. And yes, I've shot it and the paint...
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    my friend discharged a 12 ga in his home

    Honestly... I thought there woul've been more damage from 00buck right into a wood floor... but regardless of that... he's gonna be my future roomate... and i'm a little concerned that he might "accidentally discharge" again in my house... waht should I do? He's totally cool... but he might...