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  1. S

    $250-Beretta Tomcat or Kel-tec P32 ?

    I am looking at getting a new 32ACP handgun. I have found two that I like the Tomcat and the P32. I'm just not sure what to buy? Tomcat + I have a Beretta 92FSC, and love it. It would be nice to get one more Beretta pistol. + The Tomcat has a safe lever on it. It's kind of small and hard to...
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    Walther TPH 22LR-$334 a fair price? Help me!

    I saw this neat little 22LR Walther TPH NIB in a gun shop today for $334, is this a fair price? I like the pistol a bunch, but I know little about it, other than it's a baby PPK. And that a German Walther pistol equals a quality product. Please, tell me some more about this gun. I could also...
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    RUGER 10/22 MAGS..........HELP!

    Yes I know that the 10/22 10 round mags are the best. My question is, Where can I get a 15, 20 or 30 round mag? I would like to have one or two high cap mags for this rifle. Just to raise my level of fun. Also are the mags going to run me in excess of $80.00 like the ones that I saw at the most...
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    Ruger 50yr 22 auto pistol good Birthday gift for dad?

    Many years ago my dad taught me to shoot a pistol with a Ruger 22 auto. It took great time and lectures on his part. "Son slow down take one shot at a time." God bless him. Well, he turns 50 next month and I wanted to get him something special. I found one brand new 50yr red box Ruger 22...
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    Savage Scout in 308, is it any darn good?

    I need some advice on this rifle. I like this rifle just fine and it will fill my needs for a bolt action rifle. It's short, light, and packs a punch. It is set up for a forward mounted scope, and I like the idea of that. Also it has the ghost ring sight that I can use right off the rack...
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    Help- Can't find pictures & info on Beretta Elite 2

    Please help me locate some information and pictures of the Berretta Elite 2. I have found information on the Berretta Elite 1 at a gun shop but no info on the Elite 2. If you can direct me to links, comments, pics or personal experiences and evaluations. Thanks in advance, Sgt. Smith
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    HELP - Tell me about the Colt Pocket Nine 9mm

    I just saw and fell in love with this pistol in a local gunshop. It feels so much nicer than that damm Kahr P9. I mean it's a Colt and it is all metal other than the grips. I wanna buy it, but I don't know that much about it? Can I get Mags for the little beast? Please guys tell me about...
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    NAA 22 Mag for CCW

    I know that it isn't a 44 mag, but my little NAA 22 mag lives on my person when I am off duty. I keep it loaded with 5 CCI MaxiMags. It is little, light weight, and it cost me only $200 new in the box. I have the conversion for it so I can shoot lots of 22 long rifle out of the little pistol...