Search results

  1. J

    Did your love of guns ever cost you a job?

    A while ago I had a job which I am fairly certain I lost because the company's owner didn't like the fact I shoot and own guns. I had worked at this company for several months and never mentioned guns, since the subject scares a lot of people who are stupified by the media and I never bring the...
  2. J

    SKS aftermarket high capacity magazines.

    OK, so they all suck, I know. The thing is I bought my SKS for fun, not social work, so a few jams are fine. So heres the question, who makes the best detachable high caps and conversion kit for the SKS?
  3. J

    Why are Nitro Express guns so expensive?

    Having read a bunch of Ruark and Capstick books I always thought it would be neat to have a NE big bore. The problem is, I could buy a BMW as easily as one of these things. For heavens sake, they make pre 86 MG's look cheap. Why are they so expensive?
  4. J

    Re-opening the Machine Gun Registry

    I have asked this elsewhere, and I think I should bring this up here because there are more MG people here. Why is it we machine gun lovers don't do more about lobbying to re-open the registry? For God's sake, why have we allowed an M-249 listed for $50,000 to become "priced to move". As we all...
  5. J

    Turning a 10/22 into a Clinton Assault Weapon

    I have a stock 10/22 that I want to make into a Clinton assault rifle now thats its legal, but I am having some difficulty finding aftermarket components of high quality that match my specifications. I am thinking specifically pistol grips fore and aft, a telescoping or topfolding stock, (not a...