Search results

  1. J

    PLEASE Help!!! Need Place to Shoot in Snohomish County WA!!!

    Does anyone know of any LEGAL locations in Snohomish County land/forests where one can go shooting without trouble from the Po Po? I have the official map of 'No Shooting Zones' but from driving around most everything is privately owned or posted as "No Tresspassing." I'm just worried about...
  2. J

    G19 or Kahr k9

    I am looking for an all around gun to be used for carry and range work. I have narrowed it down to the G19 and the Kahr K9. I have a few questions regarding each: How much more quick of a shooter is the G19 over the Kahr? Does the G19 have a big edge in tactical deployment (pointability...
  3. J

    NYPD Kahr 9 trigger question

    I found this police officer in New York who wants to sell his K9 with the NYPD factory trigger. It has a 1/2" pull instead of the standard 3/8". How hard would it be to change the trigger back to a shorter pull? Would this entail simply changing some parts and springs, or would the job be more...
  4. J

    Fn F2000: More discussion.

    Here is the link to my F2000 dedicated thread, for those who didn't check it out when it was fresh. I just don't think that the subject has been quite exhausted yet. What can I say, I am a bullpup junky!! :o
  5. J

    Military Gun Videos

    Hey everyone!! Check out these awsome vids!! :D :D
  6. J

    FN F2000 Dedicated Thread

    What does everyone think about the F2000? Any first-hand experience with this rifle? Any unique facts or info about this weapon? Basically anything goes in this thread, all long as it doesn't turn into just a 5.7X28 debate, or some philisophical discussion exclusively devoted to the P90. As...