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  1. S

    Wilson's "NEW" tactical sights...

    Has anyone seen up close, Wilson's new tactical sights? They look like what Novak makes, only in a "stealthier" version (if that makes any sense :) --no pictures on Wilson's web page yet) I'm looking for a new set of sights for my Kimber 1911 and the Wilson's wouldn't require any additional...
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    Kimber--strange thing on invoice

    I would like to relay an observation for the rest of you Kimber owners to respond to. I recently received a part from Kimber to replace one that broke on my original Custom Classic (they sent me a new mainspring housing, though I'm not sure what kind of gun the new housing fits but it ain't for...
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    1911 Extractors--How to test?

    To test an extractor for tension, the way I understand is as follows: 1) Remove slide and insert dummy cartridge under extractor hook so that hook grips the case at its half-way point. 2) Check to make sure a) Hook holds cartridge firmly against breach face. It should take 3-4 lbs of...
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    Kimber--Automatic (almost)

    Greetings all, Kimbers have been taking a beating here so I thought I might post a few heartening words for those Kimber owners who are now scratching their heads, wondering if their 1911 is truly Y2K compliant :) I just got and shot my new Custom Classic last night and wow!--can this puppy...
  5. S

    1911 .22 conversion??

    Would any of you be so kind as to run down a list of my options for such a unit? I'm looking at the Wilson Combat model which is attractive because of Wilson's Cust Service reputation. Can't decide between the fixed or adjust. sights though. What do you all think?
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    1911 Customization

    I am getting a Kimber Custom Classic and know that there will be at least 2 after-market, custom touches that I'd like to have done. 1)Checker frontstrap and 2) Have a new, tough, self-lubricating finish put on all parts. Pretty common things. My question: is there ONE place I can send the...
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    Glock biting my hand

    I have a Glock 19 which I absolutely love. Problem is that the slide cycles so close to the fleshy part of my hand that I usually leave the firing line bleeding. I've tried gripping the gun lower but it still tends to settle itself over the course of a couple of rounds. The best solution I've...