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    SAFE Local

    SAFE Table / Indy 1500 OK guys and gals ... I snuck home to get the one of the kids off the school bus and left poor Simonov Jr at the gunshow all alone. I figured while I was home I'd let you all know where you were meeting tomorrow. :D The SAFE table is located in Hall C of the Marsh South...
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    Sad news about FUD

    I thought those of you who know Fud would like to know ... Last night Fud went to his mom's house to check on her. When he arrived he found that she had died. Miss D and I have been discussing whether or not we should post this here at TFL, but decided that his friends would want to know and...
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    He wants to hear your story! Please help.

    Hi all! The following is an message I received from Mr. Paul Hager, Indiana libertarian candidate for the U.S. Senate. He is presently running against Senator Dick Lugar in this election. Mr. Hager came and spoke to our WAGC/SAFE group here in Indiana about 2 months ago. He is a sincere defender...
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    Indy 1500 - Anyone else gonna be there?

    I searched and didn't find another thread for this so ..... Anyone going to the Indy 1500 this weekend? It's in the Marsh South Pavilion this time. I'll be at the SAFE table or at Marvin Scott's table. Who else is gonna be there? Hopefully there will be no replays of the Tulsa Show or the...
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    Indianapolis Star Gun Poll

    The docs here in Indianapolis are hitting the "gun issue as a health issue" pretty hard. Today's Indy Star website has a poll going about this very subject. Please vote! Thank you!!! On the far right in the black bar. Is gun violence a public...
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    Indianapolis Star Friday Forum needs pro-gun letters!

    Indiana - the following was on yesterday's editorial page .... Friday Forum "Gunning for Guns" Alarmed by what they see as an epidemic of firearm deaths in Marion County and the nation, some health professionals are taking on gun violence as a public health issue. The Indiana Partnership to...
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    Indiana Political Forum - Oct 2nd

    Any Indiana Residents - There will be a political forum hosted by the Indiana Citizens Concerned about Gun Violence for the state legislative candidates on: Monday, October 2nd, at 7:00 p.m. Butler University, Jordan Hall - Room 141 I hear from Andrew Horning's people (libertarian candidate...
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    Taught my mother-in-law how to shoot today ...

    ... pass the asprin and pour me a double of what ever you got handy. I have to admit that she did get much better by the end of the day. But she couldn't seem to get it in her head that other people don't know the gun is unloaded. People would be down range changing targets and she'd pick...
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    Indy 1500

    Anybody going? Simonov jr and I will be there at the SAFE - Second Amendment For Everyone - table. It's back in the Exposition Hall this time. Let me know who's coming so I'll know who to look out for. :D ------------------ Refuse to be a "helpless" victim. Knowing Your Rights Hand-gun Control...
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    First Monday 2000

    Here we go again .... Alliance For Justice's First Monday 2000 Campaign Launched 07/12/2000 For Immediate Release: July 12, 2000 Contact Information: Mariama Diao, 202/371-1999 Bill Breedlove, 202/822-6070...
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    Hey ya'll, Rather than change the subject in mid-thread, I thought I'd start us a new one. Darthmaum, How old are your kids? Are they still excited about homeschooling? We will be starting our 3rd year of homeschooling this coming fall. My son went to public school K-5. It was a great...
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    Help! Which one is Rosie ... Humor

    I miss marked some of my graphics files. I've been looking for my picture of Rosie for a project I'm working on, and I have it narrowed down to 2 of my files. I can't figure out which one it is. Can you guys help me? Which one is Rosie? :D (Just a stupid little joke for your weekend. Have a...
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    New RKBA group in Central Indiana

    Hi all! We are forming a new RKBA group in central Indiana. Our first meeting will be on June 14th. We need lots of motivated, 2A defenders to come and be a part of this new group. We hope to have a pro-rights rally in Indianapolis in October, and begin an organized effort to put pressure on the...
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    Question - Problem with BATF license

    My husband applied for a Collector of Curios and Relics License from the BATF on March 13th of this year. As of yet, we still haven't gotten it. I have called BATF twice, and they say that they have replaced the people that handle that and are very backed up. However, they weren't too backed up...
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    New! HoMeBoY Night Sights - Humor So that's how they shoot those things in the movies! :D ------------------ Refuse to be a "helpless" victim. Knowing Your Rights WAGC in Indiana Come have some fun at theTFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000
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    A Memorial Day Greeting

    A special thought for all you veterans this Memorial Day - A Memorial Day Thank You! ------------------ Refuse to be a "helpless" victim. Knowing Your Rights WAGC in Indiana
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    Indiana! One more MMM to protest to go.

    Well, they're a week late, but the MMMers are coming to South Bend, Indiana on Sunday, May 21st. I just got this e-mail: ________________________________ Michiana Second Amendment Advocates will hold a demonstration at Howard Park in South Bend, Indiana on Sunday, May 21, 2000 beginning at 12...
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    "Guns Don't Kill" needs your help!

    Hey all. I just got an e-mail from Art at Guns Don't Kill . It looks like something is rotten. The site has been down since this morning, and the server won't even allow them to log on so they can fix the site. The other sites at Virtualave seem to be working...
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    Chicago A.I.M.M. Pictures

    Well, I finally got 'em posted. Here's the pics from the A.I.M.M. in Chicago. I found out after the rally that I missed a lot of the action. My husband was at the other end, (in the thick of things). Like I posted in another thread, the MMM members had some really bad manners. The hubby told me...
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    SAS - AIMM Article in Indy Star

    Since they didn't put this on the Web, I scanned it an put it on my Web site - Knowing Your Rights - RKBA Click on "Million Mothers March Sparks Opposition" on the left to get the article. Guess who the "cool chick" in the picture is ... :D It took several weeks of harrassing this reporter (who...