Search results

  1. L

    Formula for Height of Front Sight

    I'm no mathemetician, but I wonder if there is a formula for calculating the proper height of a front sight for a rifle using aperture sights? Something that takes into account height of the rear sight, barrel length and muzzle diameter, distance to target, etc. I'm trying to set up a...
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    Marlin 1895 SBL

    Anybody seen the Marlin 1895SBL in any stores or shops yet?
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    Self-Defense at 300 Yards

    Rather than bog down somebody else's thread (see, I'll repeat my question here: Aside from the Texas tower sniper in the 1960s, are there documented examples from recent US history in which somebody actually has taken aimed fire from...
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    Opinions on Tikka 595

    I searched, but found little beyond old discussions of the Master Sporter iteration of this rifle: what is the concensus (if any) on the quality of the older sporter Tikka 595 rifles? These were the forerunners of the present Tikka T-3, to my understanding. I'm considering one in .22-250. Thanks!
  5. L

    Anschutz 1407 Stock

    Quick question: does anybody know if an Anschutz 1407 will fit into an Anschutz 1907 stock with minimal or no fitting or modification? Thanks. (and yes, I already asked this on Rimfire Central, but the answer was unclear)
  6. L

    Law and Civil Rights Forum Participation

    If I may ask, what was the basis upon which decisions were made regarding access for participation in the new law and civil rights forum? I read the post on the criteria, but it does not appear consistent. If this is better handled by PM, please advise. Thanks.
  7. L

    BT-99 Grinding Issue, or, Please Tell Me I Didn't Just Wreck My New Shotgun

    So, the past few weeks have not been great. First, a Kimber 82 with a cracked stock that had to be returned; then, a problematic Winchester 94 that wasn't supposed to be so. Now, I went shooting a few rounds of trap with a BT-99 that I bought new in May of this year. The action is stiff, as...
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    Winchester 94 Problems Redux

    I wrote an earlier thread about a Winchester 94 carbine in .30-30 that I purchased recently on an auction site (see Well, it seems that what I thought was a good deal may be going south in a hurry, so to speak. I took it to the...
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    Ruger #1 Light Sporter in .204 Ruger

    Killing a little time this morning and came across the now discontinued Ruger #1 light sporter in .204 Ruger (see Seems like an odd combination to me - does anybody have any experience with this particular combination?
  10. L

    Winchester 94 Refinishing Question

    I just purchased a Winchester 94 produced during the late 1970s through an auction site. The carbine was described as being in excellent condition, and the photographs showed excellent patterning in the wood and no problems with rust on the bluing; rust was not mentioned in the description...
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    Swedish Mauser 94 Carbine

    Generally speaking, what is an average current price for a Swedish Mauser 94 carbine in relatively decent, unmolested - excuse me - unsporterized condition these days? I see prices all over the map it seems. Just doing some tire-kicking. Thanks.
  12. L

    Obama Is Not a Muslim

    OK, all you individuals who insist on the mistaken belief that Obama is or was a Muslim, have at it. Here's the thread where you can post your concrete, overwhelming, hold up in court evidence. Let's hear it. Note: this thread is for real evidence - not the "well other people think he is" or...
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    Names of Candidates

    I'm probably being really nitpicky here, but humor me, please. I'm not very savvy on programming, but is it possible to implement a filter that automatically changes the 'cute' mispellings of the names of candidates to asterisks, in similar manner to what is done for inappropriate language (at...
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    Threads for Individual Candidates in L&P?

    I don't know if this is a good idea or not, but it might be nice to have one dedicated 'monster' thread per candidate in L&P. For example, there could be a Paul thread, a Romney thread, a Clinton thread, etc. I believe that this was done a few years ago when the topic of illegal immigration...
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    Contender or Encore .44mag Carbine Barrel?

    Does anybody know offhand if any manufacturer makes a .44mag carbine length barrel for the T/C Contender or Encore? I see many pistol length barrels advertised, but no carbine length examples. I am kicking around an idea to build a poor man's Blaser over the next few years, and would like to...
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    European Holiday, or Who Here Reads Finnish?

    I feel so European with my new acquisitions that I received last night: Top rifle is an Anschutz 64 MPR in .22lr, onto which I will mount match sights once I get around to ordering them (busy holiday this year). Bottom rifle is a Finnish "sneak" Mosin, dated 1968. The Finn came with a hang...
  17. L

    Tang Sight for BL-22?

    I know that the Browning BL-22 lacks the tang that other lever action .22 rifles usually have (Marlin, Winchester, Henry, etc.), but is there a way to attach a tang sight to this rifle by some other means? I know that I've seen photos of Ruger No. 1 rifles with Vernier sights even though no...
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    Target Sights: Somewhere between Williams and Palma

    This is probably a silly question, but are there any sort of currently manufactured 'target' sights for bolt action rifles that are somewhere in between the lower-end Williams FP sights and the higher-end Palma-style sights (Warner, etc.)? I know about the older Redfields, but I'm wondering...
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    Browning BLR Takedown

    Has anybody seen one of new Browning BLR takedown models yet, or even better, have any first-hand user information on one:
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    Suggestion for Acronym List

    OK, this probably is going to come across as really nitpicky, but I was looking for something this morning and came across the TFL list of acronyms. Would it be possible to move the following item from its current location within "Common Government Acronyms" to "Common Web Acronyms": To me...