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  1. 1

    Question for any L.E.O. on HiCap Mags

    What does the law state about magazines made after the ban that are 10 rounders? Is it specificly that they can't be imported or sold to any non- LEO /Military? can one Afro-engineer ones private magazines to hold more? :D Cause I found a way to get my after ban mags to hold 13 rounds of 40...
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    Colt $$$ H&K???

    Some one said it was confirmed that HK sold to Colt...IS this true? They further went on to say that Colt was going to discontinue HKs handguns. Has anyone heard anything to validate this or to disprove this?
  3. 1

    a question on the .243

    I am looking at picking up a .243 The problem I am running into is all I have seen have been bolt action. Has anyone ever heard of a semi auto 243? It would be for varmitting which means multiple shots would be nice. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks 189...AKA numbers
  4. 1

    where could I get a Custom Barrel to my specs?

    Does anyone know where I could get a custom barrel? Specificaly whatever size diameter and length of barrel I want, and anything else that isn't standard. Would this be something a local gunsmith would be able to do? Could a Gunsmith give me some ideas of what they could do... Thanks 189...
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    the .243 vs th .22-250

    I am looking cassually at picking up a varmit rifle. Can anyone tell me how these two stand up agianst each other. What the pluses and minuses are of each in comparison to the other. Thanks alot 189...
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    Cleaned my it rattles!!

    I have a Ruger Mark II, I took it appart for some serious cleaning....Took the barrel off, used powder solvent, oiled it then put it back together. Picked it up and turned it, and there was a slite rattle, as if something is loose, or doesn't fit tight. Tore it down, put it back, same thing...
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    Up until a while back I haven't had very many problems with flinching or anticipating. the only thing is I have started anticipating and droping/raising the barrel some. This happened after a Accidental Discharge a few months back. What should I do to try to break myself of this unwanted...
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    Gun Courses

    Out of Curiousity does anyone know of a tactical gun course held in Eastern Washington or North Oregon? I hear about courses Like Gunsight and thunder ranch but are there any that aren't forever and a day away? I would love to be able to take a weekend and drive for a day and a half both ways...
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    Gun Courses

    Out of Curiousity does anyone know of a tactical gun course held in Eastern Washington or North Oregon? I hear about courses Like Gunsight and thunder ranch but are there any that aren't forever and a day away? I would love to be able to take a weekend and drive for a day and a half both ways...
  10. 1

    did Colt accually end up Buying HK?

    Just out of curiousity, did Colt ever close the deal and take possesion of HK? I have read a couple of tidbits here and there about them making an offer but nothing deffinate. Can anyone confirm this? Thanks 189
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    What do you know about BSA scopes?

    Picked up a BSA 6-24 variable scope the other day, works great on my 10/22 but one of these days I am going to get around to mounting it on a 223 or 308. can anyone tell me how well the scope's zero would hold with that kind of strain? also anyone know if BSA makes a good scope? Also anyone...
  12. 1

    A good bolt Scope combo

    What would be a good bolt action 308 scope combination for under $700? Was looking at a savage either 110 or 112. Have read in TFL that if you buy it in pieces you can over all almost get a custom rifle equivalent to a rem 700. How true is this, and is it recomended? Would like to hear your...
  13. 1

    Whats with HK?

    A friend of mine ordered a USP 40 oh, about 3 or 3.5 weeks ago. The store was told they would get it out. 2 weeks later the store calls to find out where it is. Hasn't even left yet! WTH? They said it would go out the 7 so be here sometime later, maybe 14th or 15th. My friend needless to say...
  14. 1

    night sights? where can I get some

    I just picked up a HK and am thinking of upgrading the sights to nightsights. I was just wondering where I could get some and at what the price would be.
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    friends looking for pistol--4 Bosnia

    I have a friend who is on standing orders that his company is going to bosnia in around 4 months. He is looking for a good side arm that would be extremely reliable. He has looked at the HK mrk 23, but has made no discisions. I am wondering if any of you who are currently military or have been...
  16. 1

    Stoner or HK?

    I browsing at a gun store and saw a REAL nice stoner set up for comatition shooting. Heavy barrel 32 scope and haris bipod. This ONLY cost 3 grand. I saw a used HK 91 with haris pod and extra preban mags and scope for 2300. looking at the 308's which would be the better deal?
  17. 1

    Where can I get 10 rd mags for the USP40?

    I am looking for an online source for the USP 40 magazines. I have found stores that have them but the prices are uptowards 40- dollars and I remember someone saying I could get them online for around 20+-5. Anyone have any ideas?
  18. 1

    Best defensive ammo?

    Just out of curiousity what are your opinions on the best type of 40 ammunition for home and or personal defense? keep in mind I have a 40 caliber. AKA glazer, hollow point, ball, flatnosed?
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    DA/SA????Xplain please

    I hear DA and SA alot what do they mean? SA I gather is safty but what the heck does DA mean??? I would appreciate any clarification thanx. 189
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    HK USP 40 mag prices????

    I just picked up a usp 40 and was wondering what a good price for 1)new mags would be and 2) a hi-cap mag. If you have any ideas I would appreciate it. Oh, and maybe places online that have them for a good price.