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  1. I

    Split .357 SIG brass

    I pick up range brass and collected a lot of Federal 357 SIG brass that split through the neck of the case. I know the guy that was shooting them was using factory loads(not reloads). Do you think his gun was shooting slightly out of battery? I don't know what gun he was using, but everything he...
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    Detective Special

    I saw a series 2 Colt Detective special at a not so local shop for $250. It looked in really nice condition (90%+) with little wear. When I cycled the gun single action I would wiggle the cylinder with the hammer back and then the cylinder would lock into place. When the cylinder was finally...
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    Glock 17L

    I did'nt want to hijack the below topic on the Glock 17 and 34, but what purpose or "game" is a Glock 17L for? I just saw a new one at a shop last weekend. They all seem similar except for barrel length.
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    38spl-large primer?

    Was doing some 38 reloading tonite and ran across a "Peters" 38spl case that was made for large pistol primers. Can anyone give me a history lesson on this variant! thanks
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    Nickle brass?

    Is there a reason for nickle brass other than it looks shiny? Does it corrode slower than regular brass? Does it drop in a revolver faster? Or is it just a marketing scheme to reach a larger group of consumers? Just curious