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  1. L

    Lubrication and rotating barrels

    Howdy, Do rotating barrels generally require more frequent lubrication than the traditional tilting barrels?
  2. L

    Zurlon Tipton

    Howdy, Just read the news about Baltimore runningback Zurlon Tipton. (My mom was from Baltimore and she was always a big Colts fan, going back to the Unitas days; shucks Johnny U. even ate dinner at their house once!) I'm befuddled as to how Tipton managed to fatally shoot himself by...
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    Detective Special needs work

    Howdy, I've got an early 70s Colt Detective Special that clearly needs some TLC. It needs to be re-timed (I believe) and to be re-blued. Assuming I sent this baby to Colt for those services, can anyone here provide a ballpark estimate as to how much money it'd cost...
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    Beretta 92FS choked AGAIN!

    Howdy, This afternoon my Beretta 92FS choked for only the second time in some 6,700 rounds! I'll talk about the earlier episode later, but onto today's episode.. I was using my most common and reliable round, CCI Blazer's Aluminum cased target ammo. Also, I use only PB mags, fwiw. After...
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    Long live the Model 10!

    Howdy, Today I managed to find time to visit my outdoor range. My intention was to use my excellent Beretta 92FS with ridiculously cheap target ammo-as usual. For some unknown reason, I grabbed my wife's model 10 S&W (w/ a 5-inch barrel), a single box of WWB 130 FMJ, a handful of old HPs and...
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    New Ruger P-97

    Howdy, Bought a used Ruger P-97 today for $300. No case, one mag :o Took her to the range, inspected it and found her to be fairly clean and lubricated. I lubricated her again lightly with Beretta's Olio along the rails. OK, on to the first 100+ rds.. 100 rds of MagTech 230 gr hardball...
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    Ruger P345: Reliable?

    Howdy, I'd like to know from you Ruger P345 owners about the reliability of your pistol. I'm on the fence between a P90 and the P345. BTW, my hands are a bit larger than average, so the P90's clunky ergos are no problem. I'm concerned about dead-on reliabiity. I've got a Beretta 92FS which...
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    The wife wants to shoot!

    Howdy, This morning I took my wife to the range. She did well with my little SP101 chambered for .22 LR. She didn't like my 92FS, but considering that she's Asian (rather petite), that's understandable. Her father back in the old country (Philippines) always uses a model 10 and she indeed...
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    Can't deny: I'm a Wheelgunner

    Howdy, Today my wife gave me an early father's day gift: she renewed my membereship at the local outdoor range! Since 9mm ammo is DIRT cheap, I took only my Beretta 92FS and some steel plate worthy fodder. After 150 rds I realized how much more FUN and satisfying it is to use my Revolvers...
  10. L

    Why no +P for 147 gr 9mm?

    Howdy, I'm a "Revolver" guy, but enjoying my two new Beretta 92FS pistols! Since 9mm practice ammo is SO cheap, I couldn't fight a tidal wave :rolleyes: I've seen and fired 115 and 124 gr. in +P loads, why is there no +P for the 147 gr loads...
  11. L

    Monarch Ammo?

    Howdy, Who's used Monarch ammo? It's as cheap as CCI Blazer locally. It's lacqured, I know that. I'm told that the local LE uses it at thier academy for training. One local told me that it's not as dirty as Wolfe. Anyone? Larry C.
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    Python, Anaconda resume in '06! it's Official

    Howdy, I called the Colt factory yesterday with some questions. The first was for an estimate for fixing my Detective Special. By the way: Thier rates and turn around time are reasonable :) Second, I asked about my beloved Colt revolvers on behalf of myself and the LEGIONS of Colt devotees...
  13. L

    Shoulder Rigs: uncomfortable?

    Howdy, I conceal my Beretta 92FS in an Uncle Mike's Holster IWB "up front", if you know what I mean. Reasonably comfortable sitting and standing for when I work my bulk vending route. I carry around candy/gum and cash. I'm more attractive to young, double-digit I.Q. thugs than one might...
  14. L

    Who works on Colts?

    Howdy, I've got a Colt Detective Special which I believe, has timing issues. Does anyone know a good Colt gunsmith ( I understand that finding someone to work on a Colt isn't easy!)? Perhaps I should contact the factory? anyone..Thanks...
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    Ruger GP-100 for .45 Colt.

    Howdy, This message is really aimed at Sturm, Ruger. It's time to produce the GP-100 chambered for the.45 Long Colt. Could this be done? Would anyone else like to see this? Larry C.
  16. L

    My new Beretta 92!

    Howdy, OK, so my Beretta 92 is still on lay-away! I'm really excited about it. It has the Bruniton finish and I agreed on the $499 price tag; it's used, in excellent cond. (IMHO). This 92FS has one slightly different feature: It has engraved on the slide: "Operation Enduring Freedom." with a...
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    Ruger P95 for IDPA?

    Howdy, Has anyone seen the Ruger P95(9mm) used for IDPA matches? Obviously, it must be reliable and rugged-the U.S. Army just ordred 5,000 of them! How are they for reasonable accuracy (out to 15 yds.) and ergos? Respectfully...
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    92FS trigger jobs

    Howdy, I've decided to make the Beretta 92FS Brigadier my first "test-drive" for a full-size 9mm for IDPA. I have little experience with semi-autos in general; primarily a "revolver" guy. I just can't ignore CHEAP 9mm ammo! :o My qustion is: Who here has fired the Beretta 92FS either DA/SA...
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    DA/SA 9mm for IDPA

    Howdy, I'm just getting back "into" recreational shooting after a 4 year lay-off. I'm a "revolver" guy. I've also noted that 9mm ammo can be had for less than HALF the price of my usual .38 Sp. ammo :mad: While I'll use my S&W 586 in two weeks at my 1st IDPA meet (I'm SO excited!), I'm...
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    586,Model 10 for plates!

    Howdy, This morning was my first time shooting steel plates AND shooting outdoors. What a hoot! With my Springfield Armory 1911 at a measly 10 yds i shot only 66% (roughly).Although to be fair, I KNOW I hit the plates a little more than that, but sometimes they didn't fall-so help me! They...