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  1. F

    Bruce Willis

    In today Sunday paper (very anti paper)the USA today magazine, he had a very good article. He believes in the right for all citizens to have guns. He is very anti Govt. in many respects. Not very politically correct either. GREAT!!!! Maybe if enough us write or let him know that we support him...
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    Down Under

    Keep hearing little tidbits about civil disobedience growing in Aussie land. What is the latest. Anybody!!!! ------------------ From my cold dead hands.
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    Sacramento Socialist Club

    Just heard on the tv news today that some of the Dems. are going to propose: Every gun must be registered every year so they can keep track of all the guns as well as their owners. They said they feel they're on a roll and can push it through. ------------------ From my cold dead hands.
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    Celebrity Anti-Gunners-The List

    Maybe it has been done before, but lets list all the Celebs who have proven to be anti-gun. For instance= Danny Glover and Mel Gibson in their series of Lethal Weapon. I can't remember all of them, so help me out. ------------------ From my cold dead hands.
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    Book on Hitler

    I'm reading a book called: Psychiatrists- the Men behind HITLER. Anybody read it yet?? ------------------ From my cold dead hands.
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    Tom Delay

    Keeping it brief, tell me about the Majority whip Tom Delay. I got a request from him for something called Gun Owners Task Force. I'm going to look him up elsewhere. Let me know. fourdiamonds
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    Waco investigation

    Since I've quit reading all the left-wing newspapers,I have not heard much about the special investigation into the "Murdering of innocent Americans" at Waco. Update Please !!
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    New Mexico Gestapo tactics

    The state of New Mexico is already stopping cars and trucks on I 40 to check for license and insurance documentation.It happened to me last October on my way to Colorado to go hunting. It took place at 11:45 at night.They had about 30 or 40 police cars plus about 6 or 7 fatigue dressed soldiers...