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    Prices of Pre-Lock S&W skyrocket!!

    Smith & Wesson 64 Pre Lock for only $81,180.00! :eek: Hopefully somebody at Bud's just made a typo, but it's good for a laugh until they fix it.
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    Disappointed with my .357 Magnum New Vaquero (Pic Heavy)

    Mainly because the chamber tolerances suck! Here's a picture of a .357 Magnum snap cap in one of the chambers: Yes, that's right! The entire snap cap fits into the chamber with room to spare!!! :eek: But that can't be a .357 Magnum, you say? Well, apparantly the folks at Ruger think so...
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    Some Wally Worlds to stop selling guns... (merged threads)

    Link to story Though I'm not one to buy guns at Wal-mart this might have a potential negative impact on people who enjoy cheap WWB ammo. After all, if they get rid of the guns, it's highly likely they'll get rid of the ammo, too.
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    Remington 1858 repros

    Okay, I know technically Model 1858 is a misnomer, but I'm interested in getting my first cap and ball revolver, and I like the features of the Remington over the Colts. I have noticed that the reproductions are made by a variety of manufacturers, though, and I'm wondering if there's a...
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    Not quite sure what to think...

    Anywyas, I went to the local range earlier this evening to purchase a bushy lower for an AR I want to build. While I'm there filling out the 4473, a man comes in with his son to shoot. Now, the odd part is that he had brought his son to shoot a BB gun, which kind of made me do a double-take...
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    New Court Security Blunder...

    Corrections Officer on courthouse detail leaves her Glock in the bathroom where a civilian finds it... Link to story
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    Issue resolved

    that is all
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    Guns DO kill people...

    At least they kill some people who apparantly have been conditioned to fear them that the mere sight of one causes them to drop dead. Mexican Actress Dies
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    A S&W Model 28 question...

    I picked up a Model 28 with a 6" tube a little while back, and I was curious as to approximately how old it is. It's been refinished (horribly so, too) so it's no looker, but it's mechanically sound and has a beautiful single-action trigger. It's my first wheelgun and I'm no expert on the...