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  1. M

    Any point to C&R?

    My C&R licence expired years ago. Right about when the WW2 toys were drying up. Will there ever be another (non Mosin) group of rifles imported? Is it worth getting it again? Oh and check this out: Welcome, mooreshawnm. You last visited: November 11, 2009 at 09:06 AM :eek:
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    So last night a buddy from work stopped buy with his Sako .375. (Light gun, big bullet...I bet that'll wake you up in the morning!) Any way it was the first time I have handled a Sako and I was really impressed. Are these the excellent rifles they appear to be? I know/think they own Tika but I...
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    Q on Steyr M9 trigger pull

    Looking for a full sized 9mm and am very interested in the Steyr M9A1. One of my many questions about the pistol is how is it's trigger pull compared to an XD (Have an XD9SC so I am judging all plastic guns by it's trigger)? I have ruled out a Walther P99 as my next purchase due to it's poor...
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    1872 Enfield

    So my buddy is in Afganistan (high level officer with a Nato unit) and sent me this email: They have some of these rifles here. A good one for about $250 They are black powder. converted to cartridge style, with bayonette. Some other rifles too Is this a good deal? Should I have him...
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    OK just talked to my lifelong buddy who happens to have landed a job as a union organizor (business agent I believe the title is) after working in the trade for a long time. He is now slowly but surely loosing all previous values once held. Troublesome I say but oh well. Now the other day he saw...
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    Tantal mags

    Does the Polish Tantal rifle use standard AK 74 magazines? I imagine that it does but just want to be sure prior to purchase.
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    NG attacked at border? Does anyone know if this is true? I know there have been incidents in the past but I can't see our military retreating from drug runners!
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    Question regarding AKs

    OK I have a MAK90 that I bought way back in college. I had always considered it a Chinese POS. I have been drooling over pics on the web of 'real' AK's (Romanian and Yugo). I went to the gun show today and saw a Romanian AK and was terribly disapointed. Not only was the wood every bit as bad as...
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    Cast vs Forged

    Can someone explain to me the difference between cast and forged receivers...had ARs in mind. Can't seem to find this via forum search and now I feel really foolish for asking a question everybody else undoubtably know the answer to. Shawn
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    Any one else buying more than average this Christmas?

    So last month after telling the wife that guns and ammo are now in danger of drastically increasing in price and availability she took me out and got me a new CCW XD 9 subcompact. Nice gun. As I have been running out of .308 I have been paying special attention to all the gun and...
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    New SA XD-9 for CC

    So, one good thing happened with the elections. I convinced my wife that the cost of guns will soon be jumping up. The fact that I believe this to be true is irrelevant as when it comes to the check book she is the boss! So she took me out to get a compact high capacity pistol! You gotta love it...
  12. M

    Just bought 2x SKSs for the boys

    Well I finally broke down and bought some semis for the boys age 4 and 8. I realize they aren't ready for them now but I was worried with the anti Republic feelings throughout the nation these days that our gun rights may soon be suffering. Well I got two cheapo Yugo SKSs from J&G. I have always...
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    New gun for the kid

    So I figured my 8 year old son is old enough for his first real gun. Have been looking at youth sized rifles and had settled for either a CZ 452 Scout or on one of those H&R .22/.410 things. I went to the gun store today and there was the CZ. It was so beautiful I just had to purchase it on the...
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    Old 1903 Question

    OK here's the deal. I may purchase a Springfield 1903 mfg 1917. Of course should I buy this old weapon I will have a gunsmith check it out prior to firing it. The question is how safe SHOULD this rifle be. Looks like it has been well cared for. Does metal start to fall apart after 100 years...
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    8mm Mauser - Why?

    OK I have wanted a 98K (or yugo/czech version) forever now. About 10 years ago I bought a 6.5 Swede carbine. Shoots like a dream but: 1) No Hooded front sight...important, no but looks cool! 2) Handle is strait as opposed to curve like a 98K 3) Shoots that weird and expensive 6.5 round 4)...
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    Question about M1A reliability

    Don't know why I am admitting this embarrassing story online but here we go: So I tell the wife when I get back from Iraq I really want to by myself a Springfield M1a. Get back and driving by a gun shop that she actually lets me stop in. Beautiful M1a used but looks new (owner said was his...
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    IS Commerce, MJ and Guns

    So is it just me or did the SC just open up the door for throwing out local (state and city level) gun restrictions under the interstate commerce laws?