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  1. H

    AR Light Mount -Which side for you?

    I read a few articles on which side of the rifle to mount your light and conventional wisdom appears to say mount it on the outboard side of of whichever way you carry it so it won't get it hung up in gear. Not being one to follow conventional wisdom I chose to mount mine inside as I can...
  2. H

    Sig Users - A Question

    I read "No Easy Day" (great read btw) and was intrigued by the writer's assertion he didn't carry the issued SIG 9mm because when the pistol is jostled around the rounds tend to shift and get jumbled up in the magazines causing misfeeds. I wonder if any SIG owners / carriers have ever...
  3. H

    Brand Spanking New Pistol

    Picked up the FN Five-Seven today. Haven't shot it yet, but it sure is light and looks real nice too. Boy is ammo expensive for these puppies!
  4. H

    False Economy of Cheap Polymer

    Inexpensive polymer pistols are a lie! NOT TO PICK ON gLoCk, but just as an example, take your typical gLoCk 19. I looked at a gen 4 and it appears to cost ~$550. I'm sure someone can find one cheaper, but that isn't the point. I read quite often about people replacing plastic guide rods with...
  5. H

    Riddle me this Batman

    Going to try a different angle on the DI vs. Piston thing to see what you think. I've already stated I own and love my DI rifle and will soon purchase a piston as well. I just find the debate interesting, please, lets keep it nice. Here are the reported contenders in the Army's IC competition...
  6. H

    Giessele [SSA] AR Trigger and KNS pins

    I ordered and am going to receive (today) a Giessele SSA trigger for my AR. I am currently using KNS locking pins on the trigger and hammer pins. Giessele says not to use them, but I am thinking I want to keep them on the rifle. Is there anyone else out there using this combination? Or, would...
  7. H

    HS Precision stocks

    Tell me about HS precision stocks? Good - Bad - Decent? What makes them good, bad or decent? They appear to be relatively expensive, are they worth the money? Why or why not?
  8. H

    Never really noticed

    How nice the wood looks on this Shotgun. Heckler & Koch Gold Lion manufactured by Fabarm. I pulled it out to clean up a bit tonight and looked closely at the wood and never realized how nice it looks for a gun I paid less than $400 for on closeout.
  9. H

    What is your Waterfowling Shotgun?

    To borrow the theme from Dave, here is mine.
  10. H

    New 1911

    Not the sexiest 1911 in the world, but picked up this unfired, RIA1911 for an extremely good price in a private sale. I haven't shot it yet, but it is SOLID and appears to be very well fit together. Anyone who says these are "cheap" either haven't handled one or are completely blind. Look at...
  11. H

    Field Stripping

    I guess I am spoiled by the easy field strip of my HK's, I just finished cleaning my M&P and 1911 after some range time. Not that it is complicated beyond my ability to do it, but is sure makes you appreciate the engineering that went into the HK field strip. I can almost take my USP down with...
  12. H

    I can't be the only one

    Please, don't let this degenerate into brand warfare.....So PLEASE, lets have a useful discussion based on reading my post and the point I am trying to make. Am I the only person in the world who find Glock's dangerous? -Let me explain. I've shot a lot of IDPA and have never owned a Glock. At...
  13. H

    Is the Glock grip angle dangerous?

    Just wondering if anyone besides me considers the Glock grip angle to be a dangerous feature. I've never owned a Glock, but after handling them in a store I wonder if I ever will. Any gun I pick up points right on the money for me. I pick up a Glock and I have to push the front end down. My...