Search results

  1. G

    Fellow .44 Special/SA fans...

    ...Check this out. If legitimate, a darn rare gun. (Unfortuntely, I have no dog in this fight)
  2. G

    Current state of (your) thinking on .40 in BHP

    The Browning Hi Power has been out for quite some time now chambered in .40. What do you .40 and/or BHP fans think of this specific chambering pairing by now? Is this a good marriage? Is the chassis fully up to the .40? Early reports of having to watch/replace springs more frequently than the 9...
  3. G

    Open carry holster for 3" K--mostly woman

    .357 Model 65. Nice, comfortable--perhaps leather, Galco, etc.?-for stongside high/hip carry (+ a secondary consideration for weak-side--butt forward) carry as well). Primary carrier is female 5'6" 170#. Unisex application would be more than fine as one option, as I (guy) am considering same...
  4. G

    Sub $1250 .40 1911 choices?

    What say you for quality "affordable" all steel (pref. though I'm open...?) .40 1911 choices,...and preferably commander length? I'm not a stainless fan, but koted (factory or aftermarket) would be ok. I'd love to see a CBOB (Valor Bob) offered in .40, though I know .45 VBOBs are high retailing...
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    Best "affordable" 16 0/U?

    I'm talking <$1,OOO used or new. I'm assuming eastern European extract for this $ category?...which is fine if wood is at least "ok" (see comment below)...and am aware of the various Spartans, Stoegers etc., some of which have come and gone (also see wood comments). I'm not a stickler for fancy...
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    S&W L Frame 6 vs 7 shot?

    Is there any downside to the 7 shot 686 vs the 6 shot? Is the former less strong - "weaker" in the cylinder for instance--due to less metal? Otherwise--lighter gun, I assume...I assume that +1 round capability is one of the plusses of the step up to the L from the former K design, so why would...
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    Low dollar O/U 16 ga ideas?

    Have been on other TFL forums for awhile, but am new to the Shotgun chapter here. Thinking of getting a "nice" O/U 16. My definition of nice is nicely finished and reliable (single trigger) but "affordable." I like the (seemingly stellar) value of Remington/Spartan and its other-brand...
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    Aftermarket Koting/Koating a 1911

    Wanting the best of both worlds - don't we all - who does same or at least similar type/quality koting/koating on a stainless 1911 - a la Ed Browns, TRPs, etc--but "affordable"? No, I don't know what "affordable" means - one of those 'will know it when I see it' things! Prefer Arizona/Phoenix...
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    Slim grip'd auto for young woman

    Friend looking for a very slim-grip'd 9mm for young adult daughter with pretty small hands. Ideas? Can be single stack. Were the Lady Smiths of yore along these lines? Anything new out there now? May consider a .380 (Bersa or such??) but right now wanting to focus on 9mm. What do alumigrips do...
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    Ruger Mini 6.8 SPC

    I just re-read Jeff Quinn's excellent article on the Ruger Mini in 6.8 SPC... Realizing that chambering (for the platform) is still awfully new, any word on whether (good) higher cap magazines are out there yet -- at least 10 rounders?
  11. G

    Approximating a Kobra Carry for much less?

    Best/easiest/cheapest way to approximate an Ed Brown Kobra Carry (Commander size) - bobtail and all, for much less. Thinking CZ/Dan Wesson, but don't like stainless, and not too fond of the 20 lpi (vs 25) ...Anyone gotten one of these koted that was reasonably affordable/worked? Another route...
  12. G

    Reduced load .357

    What's a good reduced load (factory) .357 for "regular" shooting/plinking? - so as to avoid any fouling (cylinder build up) issues - and therefore specific cleaning necessity - with shooting .38s then immediately wanting to cross-over to shooting .357s. Applications: 3" and 4" Smith Ks, and...
  13. G

    Buying/shipping from other country

    Advanced Search, Legal and Library and FAQs not much help here - amazingly--at least with the 72 different combinations I gave all these!! Basic question: rule(s) regarding purchasing a rifle from out of country (New Zealand for instance)--from here/internet: 1) Yes or No? 2) if generally yes...
  14. G

    Post 64 Winchester 94 quality improvement

    Can anyone "reasonably precisely" say when Post 64 Win 94 quality took an upturn/return to Pre or near-Pre 64 levels? (most particularly return to machined cartridge lifter, better receiver metal quality, etc.) I've heard "sometime in the 70s" by many, but nothing more specific. I do "know" that...
  15. G

    Rem Spartan 310 (Baikal IZH) vs Stoeger Condor

    Begging forgiveness from the start that this subject of near (+/-) $500 O/Us may have been beaten to death here - but the search function (Google for awhile?) isn't being too friendly...what's the vote on this comparison? Looking esp for an "affordable" single trigger 16 ga O/U that is both...
  16. G

    Making a .44 Special New Vaquero

    Just read on Taffin's site about a .44 Special being made from an old model .357 Blackhawk (small frame) base....any reason why the New Vaquero .357 wouldn't be just as "ideal" a base as well...other than costs of course--retaining the full 6 shot capability that other (.44 Mag...
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    Optimal round(s) for S&W 65 Lady Smith

    Optimal round(s) for a S&W Lady Smith 65 (yes - K frame) 3" ? (fully shrouded at that). The (s) part is 1) for SD for gf, and, perhaps a different round 2) general household or carry - unisex (meaning w/o regard to gender). Got primarily for gf, but will be accessible to me as well for purposes...
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    Daewoo DH40 and DP51

    Looks like Daewoo's Tri Action autos are back in business, with a good recent review in one of the main gun mags. My older (original series) DH40 (.40 S&W) has been great. I used to know this answer, but what S&W mags will definitely fit - no problems? Also, some (if not all?) of the Smiths...
  19. G

    K Frame recommendation

    I apologize if this is too close to another recent S&W-inquiry thread, but recommendations for a pre-safety K for girlfriend (yes, no J) - maybe 4" but preferably 3" so it is "more" carry-able, though there's no delusions here regarding such a formats efficacy for full CC. Preferably "Hogue"...
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    Ruger .44 Mag 50th Anniversary Flattop

    Anybody here think this might herald the return of the .44 Mag to the Vaquero line in the form of a New Model...since this 50th Anniversary Blackhawk Flattop is sporting the smaller, new (old-old) XR3 grip frame -- as well as the "improved" cylinder indexing -- of the New Vaquero?