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  1. D

    Obama's Banned Gun List

    As reported on Link: Obama’s Gun Ban List Is Out Alan Korwin Infowars March 13, 2009 Here it is, folks, and it is bad news. The framework for legislation is always laid, and the Democrats have the votes to pass anything...
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    Arizona & CCW

    Ya gotta love Arizona.:D Over 300 days of sunshine, the bluest skies, star filled nights, warm days (I’m in the higher elevations), cool nights, and gorgeous sunsets. BUT BEST of all you take a CCW class on a Saturday, mail the paperwork that Monday and have your license by the end of the...
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    Older .38 S&W

    Acquired an older S&W .38 S&W Ctg marked on barrel. Serial No. is 664xxx Can anybody help with actual age???? Thanx in advance:)
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    Mueller Quick Shot

    Anyone have experience with these???