Search results

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    FINALLY!One for the wall!!

    I`ve hunted deer for many years here in NC.I`ve harvested several bucks but most were just scrubs.However, on Saturday I rode 2.5 hrs. to Ashe Co. in the mountains to hunt the evening on my bro-in-law`s lease.He seemed shocked that I would ride all that way "Just to hunt one evening". Here`s why
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    Swede bolt conversion

    Found info on the web about the ATI bolt on type bolt handle conversion kit.One site says fits all mausers and another says it won't fit m96 or 38's. does anyone know anything about these kits? Is there one available for the Swedes?I know I could get my smith to bend it but he stays so backed up...
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    Swede bolt handle conversion

    Found info on the web about the ATI bolt on type bolt handle conversion kit.One site says fits all mausers and another says it won't fit m96 or 38's. does anyone know anything about these kits? Is there one available for the Swedes?I know I could get my smith to bend it but he stays so backed up...
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    I have looked at lots of milsurp sites and can't seem to locate a Sweedish mauser anywhere.I'd really like a 38 but any 6.5X55 would do.I know I've been on 15 or 20 sites looking.Can someone help me locate this rifle? Thanks
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    Remington 722 extractor

    The extractor in my 722 in .222 Rem. is the type with the rivet, only there's no hole for the rivet so its just sliding around.My book shows an extractor without the rivet.Which is correct? Thanks
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    Most accurate?

    I know this has been asked to death, and I know they're are as varied opinions as they're are cartridges.But disregarding all the little variables that come into play in benchrest shooting, I'd like to know what everyone's opinion on the best cartridge for this would be out to 3 or 4 hundred...
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    Most accurate?

    I know this has been asked to death, and I know they're are as varied opinions as they're are cartridges.But disregarding all the little variables that come into play in benchrest shooting, I'd like to know what everyone's opinion on the best cartridge for this would be out to 3 or 4 hundred...
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    Question about an out of business manufacturer

    I've been trying to find info on the web through search engines about a manufacturer called "Wycliffe" (sp.?)I can`t seem to find anything about them and was wondering if maybe I`m spelling the name wrong.Can someone please help? Thanks