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  1. R

    Pressure signs-How to read for excessive pressure

    What do you look for as an indication that the load is starting to too "hot"? I always believed that flattened primers was a tell tail sign. Now I am seeing flattened primers in commercially loaded ammo. I have yet to try any "P" loads, either +p, P++ or whatever. In developing a load, I do...
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    Cell phone ring tones

    Today a person I worked with before I retired told me about assigning identifying rings to individuals he knows and works with. He said that if he could he would give me the sound of a Thompson on full automatic emptying a magazine for my ring tone. Of course I would want at least a 30 round...
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    What happens when a cartridge is put into a fire?

    In the past week the TV news talking heads have reported house fires where ammunition was stored in the house. To me it was just their hype about something they know nothing about and want to stir up the antis. So just what happens when a necked cartridge, that is not in a firearm, is...
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    Printable Postings

    Is it possible to provide the capability to print a thread or am I not seeing that it is already available? This capability is possible on other sites and I would likw to have it here.
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    TV Freedom Ad

    Just got home and decided that it was a good time to go through the e-mails and catch up on TFL. As usual I am listening to the TV and have the the FX channel on . All of a sudden they put this ad on about some guy that goes to the library, asks for a certain book and when adivsed that they...
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    Suicide Bombings Here & What Might Happen - Quesiton

    Has anyone here given any thought as to what might happen with regards to reloading after we get our first of what will be many suicide bombings here in the good old US of A? Remember that the powder used for reloading is an explosive even though it may or may not be the propellant of choice...
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    Powder pan problem

    I use a RCBS Powdermaster electronic power dispenser and digital scale to throw and measure my loads. Although it is a little slow, I like the system. One problem I am having is that sometimes the dispenser will not throw the selected load and I empty the scale pan back into the dispenser...
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    Where is he now?

    A friend of mine loaned me his book Born to Fly by Shane Osburn. If you remember he was the pilot of the P-3 that the Chineese pilot ran into while flying too close over international waters and Shane had to land the plane in Red China where he and the crew were interned for about two weeks...
  9. R

    .38 Loaded into .357 Case

    In loading for my .357 mag I believe I goofed. I looked at the page on right side instead of the page on the left and mistook the .38 loading data for a .357 load. The .357 cases are loaded with Unique, 148 gr lead WC. The loads begin at 3.5 grs, the beginning load for a .38, and go up to 4.4...
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    Entertainers Position on the Second Amendment

    There have been other threads here asking about someones stance on gun rights. So here is my quesiton. I just received an order from MidwayUSA and they included a book and video catalog. In the catalog is a basic reloading video, which I will probably order, narriated by John Larroquette. If...
  11. R

    Loads for 380 ACP & 100 gr, lead bullet

    I just purchased some 100 gr lead cast bullets to reload with for my 380 ACP and can not find any suggestions for this weight of bullet. Does anyone know of a manual that would have some beginning and max loads for this or of a good load you use? I do not want to just go and say the 90 gr...
  12. R

    Hillery's early activities

    According to a thread I saw, Hillery was associated with a rather radical group early in her life. This was suppost to have been reported by Paul Harvey. I sent the thread to my neice who lives in Kalifornia, is an anti and a Klintoon supporter. Other than that she is great and I think the...
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    C. Harder - .50 Cal Deer Rifle May have Tooken Down the AA Flight today

    I like to listen to Chuck Harder who broadcasts from White Springs, FL, each afternoon. Usually he is fairly balanced in his discussions and does not go off the deep end when confronted by some new information that he does not have several sources for confirmaiton. In the past he has said that...
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    Ashcroft is poised to modify process that screens gun buyers

    Ashcroft is poised to modify procesds tha screens gun buyers Today's KC Star carries an article from the LA Times saying that Ashcroft will do something about screening gun purchases, but not what. Not much is being said about what Ashcroft is proposing. It does say that law enforcement...
  15. R

    Special K

    This could go on either this board or the general discussion board; however, I do believe this is more political than general. I have seen a lot of posts wherein they begin President Clinton's name and/or the state of California with a "K" in either upper or lower case. Why? I am missing the...
  16. R

    Tatic to Close Outdoor Ranges

    I was listening to the Chuck Harder show today and he told about a college near where he lives in White Springs, FL. Seems as if the college either built or allowed the building of a firing on their campus so the local police would have a place to practice. Now comes along the Clinton/Gore EPA...
  17. R

    Walnut Dust in Brass

    I just changed to crushed walnet shells to use as the medium to clean my brass. Upon opening the basket, I found that there is a coating of red dust inside the cases and in some places on the headstamp. I don't know if this will affect 1) the capacity and/or 2) effect the power load when the...
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    Tonights ABC Rant Against the NRA

    Just saw on ABC's GMA a promo piece about tonights "Peter Jennings Reporting", 7:00 p.m. CDT. From the current TV Guide: "A look at the NRA and its political clout features an interview with NRA president Charlton Heston. Included: the NRA's history; visits to gun shows and conventions...
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    CompuServe Fire Arms Forum

    Does anyone have any information about changes to the fire arms forum on CompuServe? I was just on the site and when I went to the forum a message was received saying that the site was closed. Has CompuServe turned into an anti- as their parent AOL has, IMHO? The site was good as there was...