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  1. 2

    Decisions, decisions..."little help here!"

    Well, I may be making a purchase soon and have it down to the "European Big 3": Glock, HK (USP), or Sig. (Sorry George, but my grandfather was from Austria, another plus for Glock. I'll take your place in the market ;) ). I do not currently own anything from these companies and would like some...
  2. 2

    A Lost Deer

    I know this is a firearms forum but I need some cheering up. I was bow hunting this past Saturday and finally had my first shot ever with a bow. I was watching a doe and a forkhorn buck for about an hour before I felt I had a good shot. Finally the buck offered a quartering away shot at about...
  3. 2

    Beaver Castor for Whitetails

    Has anyone out there tried beaver castor as a curiosity/stopping scent for whitetails? I am pretty neutral on the whole scent debate but am going to try it this November.
  4. 2

    Hollywood Heroes?

    Just thought this might be fun and maybe informative :) Here are some celebrities or famous people who are pro gun and/or pro hunting off the top of my head in no particular order: Charlton Heston, Kurt Russell, "Arnie", Matt Groening (I love "The Simpson's"), Tom Sellick, Ted Nugent (I'm proud...
  5. 2

    10mm for deer

    Does anyone have experience using a 10mm on whitetails? If so, what type of ammo do you use. I plan on using a pistol as a secondary weapon this season for still hunting to my stand. My shotgun and Super Redhawk are both scoped and not practical for the dense cover. I also have the option of a...